◖ Gladness ◗ J.Y.

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"Now, I have asked those three to gather in the classroom. Let's head there."

"Oh, heck yeah! I have been dying to meet them again! Let's go, Junpei!"

Junpei nodded his head before tailing behind his teacher and friend. The campus wouldn't stop making him awe by the beautiful, sophisticated garden surrounding them.

Minutes passed, they arrived at the said classroom. Satoru signalled if they were ready, and they gave a nod in unison. Grinning, the strongest sorcerer slid open the door dramatically.

"Hey, kids!"

"Gojo-sensei, you should stop sliding the door brutally. You can break it by accident."

Megumi was ticked off by Satoru's usual rough way of opening the door. The white-haired shaman stuck out his tongue, his fist hitting his head lightly. "My bad but I want to appear dramatically."

"That is still not an excuse." The ravenette remarked harshly, not considering his teacher's feelings.

Your face lit up with happiness the moment your (e/c) eyes laid on your favourite teacher. "Welcome back, Sensei!" You smiled ear-to-ear at him. Satoru grinned in reply.

"Say, I have a small surprise for you all."

"Huh? Surprise? Sounds fishy to me. Bet it is one of your sick prank again, Sensei." Nobara wasn't fond of calling anything Satoru prepared as a "surprise". He took her words as a challenge.

"Then, wait until you see this....!!"

Satoru moved away from the door and shoved the other two students into the class. You and your friends gasped upon seeing them, but you were most surprised when your gaze fixed on him.



When Nobara and Megumi yelled Yuuji's name, you called out your childhood friend's name. Junpei widened his eyes in stupefaction upon seeing you.

Satoru alternately looked at you and Junpei. His mouth was opened big, so he clamped it with his hand. Acting very shocked at the unexpected turn of event.

Nobara and Megumi were too busy being in surprise of seeing Yuuji again, but you were more focused on Junpei. Tears suddenly pooled in your eyes. Rushing toward him, you threw yourself into his arms.

"I'm glad you are safe! I thought- I thought you were dead too!"

Your voice cracked as you tried to express your alleviation. The grip on the back of his dark uniform tightened. Junpei was frozen on his spot to react to your physical touch.

You had a mental breakdown before when you saw the news of Junpei's mother death on television. You literally thought the same misfortune befalling him. It might have been years since you both last made contact, but you remembered him vividly till this day.

You were just very relieved to see him here, in front of you, breathing and living.


Crystal liquid rolled down his cheeks too. To think that the childhood friend he had always missed was here. After so long... He had always missed your presence in his life. When you had to move away without being able to notify him, he was heartbroken.

"(Y/n)... (Y/n)..."

Junpei couldn't utter anything else. His mind was filled with the feeling of gladness to reunite with you.

His life was about to become better than he imagined.

And it was because you were there for him starting now.

*:..。o○ ○o。..:*

Requested by knybaby!

I'm so sorry if it is crappy- I tried my best ( ;∀;)

And gosh, I received lots of requests than I thought!

I hope you are all wait patiently as I work on the requests. ❤

Sorcerers • Jujutsu Kaisen OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz