authors Notes

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Hiya guys I have a new werwolf book coming soon but before I post it I want to give you guys a sneek peek to see if you would read it. First I will start with a kinda blurb so you no what the books about then I will give you a sneek peek at a bit of one of the chapter :) please comment your thoughts and I will upload it soon :D


This book is about a young girl named Autum who has been looking for her mate but had no luck. One day she gets chosen to go to the love games. Whats the love games? That question will be answered in the book. But what happens when she finds her mate there who happens to be the alpha king?  Things will happen, people will die, people will cry, people will love and people will laugh.  Come and join Autums crazy roller coaster journey with her life in THE BIG BAD ALPHA.

////sneek peek\\\\

"No it's not you people shouldn't have to cook all the time so I'm going to help you" I said as she smiled and I began to mix the soup. I helped everyone with what they were doing I was chopping things, mixing things, cooking things, baking things and decorating things. I was packing the dishwasher when I smelt the most amazing scent ever it was a mix of cinnamon and vanilla as I put the last plate in and stood up to meet a pair of beautiful Hazel eyes looking into my blue ones. He had brown hair that was quifted up and was in a black tux which made him look yummy 'mate' my wolf said as I was shocked. How could such a handsome and sexy wolf be mates with me. I felt him pull me into his strong arms as I breathed in his scent and my wolf howled at how close we were.

"Mine" he said as I looked up at him to see him smiling at me showing off his perfect teeth man could my mate be any more perfect.

"Come on we must go" he said as I nodded slowly and he took me away from the kitchen as I waved at the chefs and they waved back before we were in the elevator and I looked at him to see him looking at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked whipping my face as he chuckled and shook his head.

"No I'm just looking at my beautiful mate" he said as I blushed man does my mate know how to flatter people and the door opened before we walked out before I saw other people with their mates smiling and hugging as I felt arms go around my waist and I knew who it was by the tingles I felt.

"Ah Alpha Xzavier you found your mate I see" the man I met yesterday said as I smiled Xzavier I like it but my mate was a alpha and everyone knew what that meant. Alphas were very over protective, possessive and didn't like people touching what was theirs. My mate nodded at the man before we walked and sat down on the grass as I took my heels off and laid down.

"That feels better" I said as I looked to see Xzavier lie next to me as I smiled.

"I'm guessing you don't like heels?" He asked.

"Nope they hurt my feet and I'm not a dress person either" I said as he nodded.

What's your name?" He asked as I remembered I know his name and he doesn't know mine.

"Autum and yours is Xzavier" I replied as he nodded since I heard someone say if before.

"What pack are you from?" He asked as I thought about my family and friends god did I miss them.

"The red lake pack what about you?" I asked since I should know what pack I will be going to but I do want to visit my family.

"The blue moon pack" he replied as I sat up my mate was the alpha of the most deadliest, scarest, strongest pack in the world. They would kill people in a second and their alpha was the king of all werwolf as I froze and started to panic my mate was the alpha king what if he rejects me?.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I looked to see his eyes full of worry and sadness oh god.

"No yes maybe I don't know just if your going to reject me do it now" I replied as he brought me into a hug.

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