Chapter 7

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(Pic of Dan and Jack on the side)


We had been in nearly every shop and we got Dan and Jack to carry some of our bags even though I felt bad that they were carrying my things so I brought them something and Nate because i didn't like buying myself everything. We just finished having lunch and were walking back to the car when Zoe grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a shop but the boys waited outside and I looked to see underwear and bras everywhere.

"Why are we here?" I asked feeling very uncomfortable.

"Because you need some now go look" she said as we looked around and I found a nice black set, a purple set, a red set with a black bow in the middle and a blue set with black lace. Zoe got some as well and we payed for them before walking out.

"Home now?" Dan asked as Zoe nodded and we put our bags in the back before we hopped in the car and she turned it on to hear the music start playing as she drove off. I watched the world go past out the window.

"Hey Dan and Jack do you have mates?" I asked turned my head so I could look at them.

"I have mine but Jack doesn't" Dan said as Jack looked a bit sad and I felt bad for him but I hope he found his mate soon.

"Im sorry Jack I hope you find her soon and who's your mate Dan?" I asked curiously.

"Hey names Anna" he replied as I nodded before we reached the pack house and we all got out. I ran to the back of the car only to be beaten by the guys.

"I can do it guys it's okay" I said as they shook their heads and grabbed mine and Zoe's bags as I shut the boot of the car.

"Let us be gentalmen Luna" Jack said as I smiled as they walked in front of us. Dan had Zoe's bags and Jack had mine.

"Fine but next time we go shopping I'm carrying the bags" I said as they nodded and we stopped.

"Well I'll go drop these off and you go drop your clothes off then meet back here ok?" Zoella asked as I nodded before we walked off to our rooms. We walked past other pack members and some of them were giving us weird looks as I suddenly had the urge to pee.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked as Jack stopped and turned around and tried to point but dropped a bag.

"Haha okay pointing the direction isn't going to work it's the left hallway and 5th door" he said as I thanked him and speed walked off to the bathroom while he put my bags in Nates room and I turned down the left hallway and counted the doors. 1....2....3.....4...5 yes found it. I ran in and shut the door before I did my business. Once I was done I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom and began walking down the hall when a girl jumped in front of me she had a very short dress on and straight blond hair and ALOT of makeup.

"So your the pack Luna?" She asked eyeing me up and down I felt really uncomfortable.

"Y-yeah" I said as she gave me a look of disgust like what the rouges did to me when they took me.

"He could have done way better I mean look at you" she said as I looked at myself to see my scares and bruises were going away.

"It's a pity he got stuck with you for a mate if I was him I would have rejected you well I must be going I'll see you later Luna" she said as I just stood there. She brag back all the memories from the rouges.

I was in a dark cell with silver bars so we couldn't escape. I was digging a hole through the wall and every time they came I could cover the hole. I heard footsteps coming and I quickly covered the hole.

"The ugliest one out of all the girls you'll be lucky if your mate mate accepts you let alone you get to see your mate" Tim said as he gave me a look of disgust but I didn't say anything as he opened my cell and walked up to me.

"It's time for your daily beat up" he said as I gulped I hate these sometimes they pocked you with silver in your cell or just hit you but the worse was when you stood up and they threw whatever silver objects they had at you and called you names.

"Stand up my dear" he said as I did and more guys walked in with silver and I took a deep breath here goes hell.

"Ready boys lets make her scream" he said as I closed my eyes and I felt my wolf Howl in pain as they threw all their silver at me every time it hit I screamed in pain. There was so many of them and they all laughed as I felt the tears fall down my face as they didn't stop.

"Worthless ugly girl" one of them shouted as they threw a silver object at me.

"Pathetic, stupid, useless" others shouted as I just listened to the words coming at me and the other girls just watched in horror as I screamed and cried and felt my body become weaker. It felt like they were repeatedly stabbing me with silver but from my head to my toes as my wolf kept howling in pain and I hated feeling this way.

"Ugly f**k your parents would hate you lucky we saved them from you" one said as I felt more tears come I hated it. Soon it stopped and I fell to the floor crying and they were leaving they would kick me and laugh as I cried in a ball letting my tears fall. This was my life and I hated it.

*end of flashback*

I was being shaken by someone as I looked to see Jack looking at me with a worried expression.

"LUNA ARE YOU OKAY?" He asked as the flashback replayed and I started crying and he pulled me into his chest and I heard him yell for someone.

"hey it's okay Luna shhhh please stop crying" he said and I could hear the worry and sadness in his voice as I heard footsteps.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Zoella asked but I couldn't reply the tears kept falling and it hurt.

"I don't know I put her clothes in the Alphas room before i came to see her crying i shared her but she must have had a flashback and then she looked at me and started crying again" he said as I heard footsteps leave and another person hug me as I looked to see Dan and Jack were hugging me. I didn't want them to find me and I didn't want that to happen again. They hurt me so much and everyday they go worse. I heard footsteps running before I looked up to see Nate looking at me with worry and sadness and I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him before burying my face in his chest.

"Hey nothing's going to happen to you as long as I'm here and I will be here as long as you are because I love you so much" he said as I felt his arms wrapped around me.

"L-love you t-too" I stuttered still crying into his chest.

"Come on princess let's go to bed okay" he said as I nodded.

"Night guys and thanks" Nate said as he picked me up bridal style and walked me up to his room before he put me on the bed and I got under the covers and he did too and pulled me to his chest as I let the tears fall.

"They could come for me Nate" I said scared because I knew they could.

"And if they did they would make a big mistake to mess with my pack" he said kissing my head.

"I will protect you from any harm because you mean the world to me and nothing is going to hurt you" he said as I felt my eyes go heavy as I fell asleep.



Hope you guys liked this chapter and please vote and comment it would mean a lot and what do you guys think of the book so far do you like it or not???

Anyway peace✌️,love and happy endings

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