"Don't thank us!" Suga calls out. "It's the least we can do."

"Yuna-San! We also have a present for you." Tanaka and Nishinoya run up to me. I look at the boys, meeting both their eyes for the first time.

"We did a lot of research for this. And we guessed the size for some of the things, but it's fine." Noya holds out a box to me.

"Oh, this is what I was afraid of..." Ennoshita mumbles.

"Wait, did anyone know this was going to happen?!" Daichi asks worriedly and a chorus of 'no's are heard.

"Don't worry guys, we just got something they can use every day!" Noya smiles brightly.

"Oh, thank you." I smile.

"Open it right now." Tanaka grins.

"S-Sure." I nod, and everyone leans forward.

I take the top off the box and my eyes widen, quickly shutting it. My entire face turns red and my breathing quickens. How embarrassing!

Inside the box were birth control pills and a ton of xl condoms.

How did they even get that?

"What was it?" Tsukishima asks and I put my head down.

"N-Nothing!" I wrap the box in the jacket, scared the box will become see through and suddenly people will see the contents of it.

Well, at least they got the size correct.

"You made her embarrassed!" Hinata yells.

"What the hell did you guys give her?!" Tsukishima surges forward, reaching for the two boys.

I quickly grab him, pulling him back.

"I-It's o-okay!" I say quickly, and he looks at me blankly. "I was just surprised! That's all. G-Go put this in your room." I shove the jacket wrapped box to his chest, and head for the kitchen to put the oranges down.

I see him walk out the living room, and up to his room. He comes rushing down a minute later, coming to the kitchen.

"What is wrong with them? I'm so sorry about that." He groans and I laugh.

"It's okay, it just made me a bit flustered." I respond and he rubs the back of his neck.

"They're such idiots." He goes on and I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him.

"It's fine. Let's go back to them, okay?" I ask and he nods. Even through we're by ourselves right now, he doesn't allow his blank expression to falter.

He's not going to let his teammates catch him acting lovey dovey- not in a million years.

"Okay." He says and I let go of him.

He walks out the kitchen and I follow right behind him into the living room.

Now, they're all either sitting on the couch or the floor, eating the food that they had spread out on the coffee table.

"Tsukishima, can we watch a movie?" Suga asks, a bright smile on his face.

"I don't care." He shrugs, sitting down on the love seat and pulling me with him.

"Tsukki! I brought this for you!" Yamaguchi approaches us, holding out a slice of strawberry shortcake that's in a container.

"Did you make it?" He grabs it, examining the contents.

"I bought it from the store on the way here..." Yamaguchi says sheepishly.

"Thank you." Tsukishima says, making Yamaguchi's eyes brighten.

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