Vacation Sucks!...Wait, a Hot Lifeguard? (16) Pic. of Joey

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Not a very long chapter but it's still a chapter =) Anyway, comment and vote! I love reading your thoughs and stuff.


"I don't know what he was fussin' about. I in no way paid that girl to pretend to do anything. He was probably just mad that you discovered his little secret." He seemed to be telling the truth. Nothing in his facial expression or body language said that he was lying. I'm usually good at figuring out if people are lying but with Joey it was hard to tell.

"Are you being completely honest with me?" I asked, warily.

He hesitated and looked away before he answered. "I have no reason to lie to you."

Why didn't he say that while looking at me? Must be because he was lying!

"If I do end up finding out that you just lied to me than forget about ever talking to me." He'd probably find some insane way to get me to talk to him again. Joey is the type of person who even when you're mad at them and swear you won't talk to them they can always find a way to get you to say at least one word to them. My little brother Adrian is the same way. Whenever someone is mad at him he can always find some way to get the other person to forgive him or talk to him. He's done that a number of times to me.

"I can swear on my life that I'm telling you the truth. I didn't pay her nor do I know her." This time he said this while looking straight into my eyes. Normally I'd look away quickly since me and eye contacts don't mix. I always find some weird way to make it awkward. Especially, when I look away really fast and they notice and stare at me weirdly.

"Fine, I guess I believe you."

"You guess? I just poured my heart out to you and all you have to say is 'you guess' you believe me?" Joey sighed and pouted. He looked almost adorable but I quickly snapped out of that trance.

"I'd hardly call that, pouring your heart out, it was more just reassuring me you weren't lying."

He moved closer toward me. His minty breath hit me in the face as he spoke. "But I did the whole romantic thing. I stared into your eyes and I never do that."

"If you're trying to be romantic thing, you can't just go and announce it to me." Joey kept his eyes locked on my lips and then looked up to meet my eyes.

"Than what do I do? Do I tell you that I like you? That I want you got me wrapped around your finger and all you have to do is demand something from me and I'd probably do it."

"Joey, you can't be serious." His hands were on my arms holding, no pulling, me closer to him. Not roughly but gently and almost lightly. If you know what I'm saying.

"Tink, don't be gentle I can handle anything you throw at me." What the hell? What was that supposed to mean?

"Joey-" Just as I was about to ask someone called him.

"Yo, Joey! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Joey looked over his shoulder and I stepped away from his embrace. One of the guys that were with him at the arcade was making his way toward us.

"Hey, Jon." Joey said. He looked more annoyed than happy to see this dude. If I were in Joey's position I would be annoyed to see him too because if Joey would have gotten any closer he probably could have gotten away with kissing me. Even if I didn't want to kiss him.

"Joey, Joe, you busy?" Jon asked while staring at me.

"If this fabulous girl says I am than yes." The guy and Joey stared at me. Were they waiting for me to respond?

"What?" I asked Joey after a full moment of silence.

"I've been thinking lately that I could us a more alone time with you, you up for it?" He whispered. Why was he whispering? Did he not want Jon to hear him?

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