"Right. Are they here?" I asked, taking my glasses off and stretching as I stood.

"Yes, Park Jinyoung-nim and Jung Wook-nim are here for the meeting" he replied.

I turned to him in shock at the name, my neck aching from the sudden action.

"I could ask them to wait for a bit?" Han Sung asked tentatively, mistaking my actions as anger.

"No. I'll head there now. Let me grab my coat first" I waved, reaching up to massage my neck after.

Han Sung bowed and left my room, lingering outside my office while waiting.

I tried to calm myself down as my heart hammered against my chest from the shock. It can't be him right? He doesn't seem to know and I haven't actually fully told him what position I am in...

I took a deep breath and looked down at my attire, deciding it would be best to wear my blazer, straightening it out before leaving my room.

Han Sung gave a brief introduction to the company, pointing to me some of their history and some popular female idols, my mind zoning out as I kept looking towards the meeting room. It can't be him...

Han Sung handed me my notebook and I nodded, letting him open the meeting room door for me to enter.

"Water too please"

"Yes sir"

"Good afternoon, I hope you didn't have to wait long, I'm Jackson the CEO" I greeted, entering the room and shaking hands with both men. They're not him. Oh thank God.

"Please take a seat" I smiled, gesturing to the chairs.

"We're glad that you could meet us on such a short notice" the other Park Jinyoung said, which I nodded and smiled to, listening as they launched into how and why their agency should be chosen for our products.


"Thank you for coming"

I stood and shook their hands, nodding at Han Sung to open the door for them.

"We do hope you would come and visit sometime to see our KOLs and filming sets"

"Sure" I nodded, bowing at them in return as they entered the elevator.

I glanced at my watch and turned to Han Sung, realising that the next agency might bump into them.

"Make sure that they do not meet" I told Han Sung, checking my phone briefly before heading back to my office.

I shifted the paperwork Han Sung did for the company with the other Jinyoung aside, picking up the next pile that was for the next company.

I browsed through their portfolio and idols, realising that this company only had male idols.

I frowned at the paperwork and flipped through it again before grabbing the other Jinyoung's paperwork, flipping the pages to check and caught glimpses of both male and female idols.

I made up my mind then to go with the other Jinyoung's company, preferring that I had more options and equality in that company.

I leaned back into my chair and scrolled through my emails, replying a few when Han Sung knocked on my door.

"Come in"

"It's time for the next meeting Seun-nim" he announced, standing there with his notes and notebook in hand.

"Take the notes for this meeting" I instructed, holding onto my notebook and pen anyway.

I greeted the company heads and shook their hands, letting them go through their presentation.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now