Mother and Me

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Liza's P.O.V
I was so excited that I ran up the stairs two at a time. The only time I ever got to see the out side was when it was ravaged by a war between immortals. As I opened the door to my room, the sweet aroma of Roses wafted into my nose, courtesy of my mother. My dad was true to his word, for on my bed there was a package waiting for me to open, alongside a note. I picked up the package first and unwrapped it. In side there was a black iPhone 6. Pressing the on button, a picture popped up, of Nico and I during one of his most recent visits after the war. Confused as to why I have it, for it attracts monsters, I picked up the note.
"Dear Liza,
I understand why you may be confused as to why you have a phone. the answer- it's made of shadows. I figured you may need it to blend in and communicate with any future friends. We can now also talk anywhere without attracting the attention of mortals.
With much love,
Your Father"
This was amazing. I started packing right away, throwing almost all of my clothes into a suitcase that had just
exclaimed. "Of course Mother. But it's not that bad. Plus I got to train and learn with some of the greatest minds of people who have ever died." I countered. "I know darling, put there is nothing better than feeling the sun warm your face, smelling flowers after they bloom, or even lying under the shade of a tree with a nice book. You will love it up there, I will make sure of it." Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. "The mortals still need the changing of seasons. What will happen? Will I have to go back to the Underworld for Winter and Fall?" I questioned. "I will have to go back for winter, but you will stay up here and the Furies will pose as your parents." Mother explained. As she walked out of my room, I glanced into my mirror. My electric blue eyes seemed to glow brighter than ever before. I grabbed my makeup (a gift from my mother, saying that all girls my age wear makeup now), through it into the suitcase, and disappeared.

Sorry the chapter was so short. I had a Latin competition and was brain fried.

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