"Oh, now I definitely know that it's true." She says and the smile on her face brightens exponentially. "Spill the tea missy, who on the team do you wish you could catch under the mistletoe."

"Nobody," you say, trying to stand your ground. But come on, this is Penelope, everybody knows that if she wants to know it she will find out.

Ok fine," you say, '' I may or may not have a small crush on Emily." As soon as the words come out of your mouth Garcia lets out a squeal. She turns to the phone and quickly dials somebody leaving you sitting there very confused.

"Hey love, I need some help down in my lair," she says to whoever is on the phone before hanging up and turning to you with a mischievous grin.

"Garcia who was that?" you ask nervously.

"You'll see," is all she says before somebody comes walking through the door.

"What did you need, Garcia?" Emily asks as she walks through the door. Your heart stops once you realize what Garcia is doing.

"I just remembered, I need to go get a file from Hotch. Just sit right here and I will be right back." Garcia says before she gets up from her chair and starts to walk out of the door, not before turning back to you and winking.

"She's acting really weird," Emily says as she moves to sit down in the chair Garcia just vacated.

"When is she not," you respond and the two of you laugh. Once the laughter dies down, the two of you sit there in comfortable silence, and you look around the room. As you look around, you notice a small green plant hanging just between you and Emily.

"Shit," you mumble to yourself, getting Emily's attention.

"You ok?" she asks you before following your gaze and also seeing the mistletoe. A look of realization comes onto her face before she starts laughing again. "Of course, I knew Garcia was up to something."

"I'm sorry Em," you say quickly, "she knows I hate mistletoe."

"I'm not the biggest fan either," she says, "but I do hear that it is bad luck to not kiss whoever you're under the mistletoe with." Butterflies fill your stomach as Emily looks at you and does that thing where she takes her bottom lip between her teeth.

"I mean I would hate to have bad luck," you say, almost breathless. Emily smiles at you, before rolling her chair closer to yours to the point where you are less than a foot away from each other.

She places her hand on the back of your head and gently pulls your face closer to hers. Your lips finally touch and all of your breath is taken away. The kiss lasts for a few more moments before you pull away, both of you blushing.

"You still hate mistletoe?" you hear a voice ask from the door. You turn to glare at Garcia who is standing by the door, a huge grin on her face.

"Garcia you're simultaneously the worst and best person ever," you say as a smile forms on your lips.

"And don't you forget it buttercup," she says with a wink causing all of you to descend into a fit of laughter.

Snow Day

"Hey Em," you call out to your girlfriend as you look out of the window.

"Yeah?" she calls back.

"Something tells me we aren't going to work today." Emily walks up next to you and looks out of the window with you before gasping at what she saw outside.

It was very rare that there was ever too much snow in Virginia. Hell, it nearly never snows in Virginia. So when you had woken up that morning to a few feet of snow and ice covering the ground, you were more than a little shocked. The snow was so thick that you couldn't even see the tires on your car.

"I'll call Hotch, see what he wants us to do," Emily says as she walks out of the room to grab her phone. You stay there for a second, just looking out of the window watching as more flakes start to fall out of the sky. Emily comes walking back in with a giant grin on her face.

"Looks like we have the day off," She says and you soon match the grin she has.

"You mean we get a snow day?" you ask excitedly.

"We have a snow day," she says nodding. You jump up and rush to you and Emily's shared bedroom and quickly pull on all of your snow gear. Emily follows you but looks at you in confusion.

"What are you doing?" she asks you, lightly laughing at the really funny sight of you pulling your coat and boots on overtop of your pajamas.

"I'm going to play in the snow!" you say as you zip up your coat.

"You are such a child," she says as she shakes her head at you.

"So you're telling me you don't want to build a snowman with me?" You ask her, giving her your best puppy dog eyes.

"Uhm, of course, I want to build a snowman." Emily also moves to put on her coat and boots and once dressed the two of you walk out to the backyard as best as you can in the deep snow. A few imperfect snowmen and a very competitive snowball fight later, the two of you make your way back into the house, soaking wet and exhausted in the best way. You take off all of your wet clothes before the two of you cuddle up under some blankets on the couch.

"I'm freezing," you say as you snuggle closer to Emily for her warmth.

"Well yeah, I just buried your ass in snow during that snowball fight," she says with a laugh as you playfully slap her arm.

"I'm serious Em, I really am cold," you say as you look up at her, "I need a way to warm up."

She looks at you with a smirk, before she leans forward and kisses your forehead and gently kisses her way down to your lips. She places a passionate kiss on your lips, and instinctively your hands grasp at the front of her shirt. Her hands drift under your shirt and her warm hands caress your stomach and graze the bottom of your bra. She kisses down your neck as her hands run over your skin and you bite your lip to keep from letting out a moan.

"This is nice Em," you somehow manage to say, "but when I said warm up I was thinking of Hot Chocolate." She pulls away from you and gives you a look of disbelief.

"Are you serious right now?" she asks, and you start busting out laughing.

"No Em, I was just messing with you." Her look of disbelief suddenly turns to a mischievous glare.

"Oh I am going to get you," she says menacingly and you get up from the couch and run to your room, Emily not far behind you. You dive onto the bed and Emily follows, attacking your ribcage with tickles.

"Ok Em stop," you say in between laughs and eventually she listens and you lay there trying to catch your breath, with her positioned on top of you. She leans down and places another kiss on your lips.

"I love you, Emily," you say once you break the kiss.

"I love you too, (Y/N)," she says back, before capturing your lips again in a possessive kiss.

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