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*Merry Christmas to everybody who celebrates. Happy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa as well! Here are a few short Christmas/winter themed imagines to celebrate. xoxo*

First Christmas

It's not often that Emily got called in on holidays. Even less likely that she ended up being called in during Christmas. But what can you do about it, Serial Killers don't necessarily take time off.

She had been gone for the last couple of days and it was now Christmas morning and she wasn't back yet. You weren't upset at her though if she could be here with you she would, but it's her job and she has to work. It just sucked that she was going to miss your first Christmas together as an official couple.

The two of you had known each other for a while, four years to be exact, having met through Penelope. Your connection was instant and the two of you had always been closer than most friends, eventually moving into an apartment together and becoming roommates. But only recently did either of you get the balls to ask the other out. For the few months that you have been dating, things have been borderline perfect, and you wouldn't want to ruin it by not doing something special for the holiday.

First thing in the morning you call Penelope and see if she has heard anything back from the team. To your surprise, she says that they are expected to be back today, but there was no telling what time. With this new information, you set off to make this day as perfect as you can.

To start with you put the turkey in the oven so it can cook. As you are doing so, your phone starts ringing with a video call from your mother. Stepping out of the kitchen, you answer your phone and talk to your family for a bit.

"OK now what was I doing?" you think to yourself after you've finished talking on the phone. Remembering the present for Emily you had hidden in the closet, you get it out to wrap it. But when you do, you notice that the package that you had ordered is completely wrong.

Instead of what you had thought that you were ordering for Emily, the box contains something totally different. You mentally curse yourself for not double-checking earlier, because now there is no time to get anything. Only very few stores are open today, and it is unlikely that they will have anything that you can give Em.

But if you wrap up this gift then the perfect first Christmas will be ruined. Deciding you really only have one option, you put on your coat and head out to see what you could find.

A couple of hours and a very disappointing trip later, you return home empty-handed and frustrated. But once you open the door to your apartment you are hit with the smell of burnt food. Rushing to the oven you quickly pull out the turkey to see that it is completely charred and practically inedible. Frankly, you are about to lose your shit, until Sergio comes over and rubs against your leg. Picking him up you walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.

"Serg this day has become a complete disaster," you say to him before he crawls out of your arms towards the tree. While standing on the edge of the couch, he bats at a few of the ornaments before he leans back on his hind legs.

"Wait Sergio, No!" you scream a second too late as you try and move to pick him up. Sergio pounces on the tree and half of the ornaments fall off, including the special one that Emily had bought for you the year before. It falls to the ground and shatters into a dozen pieces.

Your heart drops and you just sink to your knees exhausted. You had tried so hard and yet nothing seemed to turn out right. The food was burnt, Emily's present was a mess, and now you would have to clean up the ornaments before Emily got home.

Giving up, you accept the fact that this is not going to be anything close to the perfect first Christmas. Just then the door opens and you hear Emily walk into the room.

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