(part one) Chapter 1- The day I died

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(ONLY in THIS CHAPTER, ALL the village people will talk like that. If this appears in other chapters, it's because it's assigned to another character.)

Y/N p.o.v

My village is... WEIRD.
An old-style, really small village with a wide, dark forest around it.
I moved there with my family three month ago, yet I still can't really adapt to it.

The houses were made of red, old bricks with a yellow, thick, hay roof.
Heh, at least the furniture and clothes were bought from the city...
We had phones and electricity, although there was only one phone and wifi tower because the village was very small, and we used fire to warm ourselves.

We have a giant field out of town were we made crops and animals. Every day, the hunters would go to the forest and hunt for some deers because at night we ate with the whole village.

I really hated this place at first. Leaving my friends and city life was a strange idea, because for the past 17 years I've been living the modern life... and now, to be thrown into this?? What were my parents thinking??
I wish I was in the legal age to live on my own. I wish we had more family members... but it's only the three of us here.

There's still a week before my birthday... I hope it won't suck...

The only friend I made was Tyler. He is nice. Sometimes even too talkative but I can bare it.

I woke up in the afternoon from a knock on my door. It was my mom, saying that Tyler is waiting for me.

I quickly washed my face, dressed up in random clothes and brushed my hair. I grabbed a small cookie on my way out, finishing it before I even opened the door.

"Hey Tyler! Sorry you had to wait..."

"That's absolutely fine. Let's go pick the flowers miss Smith wanted us to get for the Spring festival! Oh, I think it's the first time you are going to participate in a Season festival! Don't worry, it's just a fun day of games and..."

Tyler was talking, very excited. I accidentally lost my focus because he was talking too fast.
We arrived at the flower field. We had to pick up 2 big bouquets of each flower and each color.

"...Oh, I almost forgot! Isn't it your birthday next week?"

"Yea! I am surprised you remembered!"

"Hehe, of course! Here in the village we always remember birthdays. The calendar we gave you still doesn't have yours and your family's birthdays, but next year we will!"

"Oh... my friends never remembered my birthday... or congratulated me...

...maybe this village isn't so bad after all..."

Tyler giggled, and we smiled at each other while picking carefully more flowers and putting them together.

"You know, all of us are very excited for your 18th birthday. I remember having it last year. You'll be able to go hunting! It's a tradition."

I stopped in shock, almost dropping my flowers.

"H-H-Hunting?? But I don't want to..."

"Oh, really...? It's very exciting... and you'll have to only do it once..."

"I don't like hurting animals... or see them being hurt... but if they are already food I don't really think of that much...

Please don't make me...!"

"...I am sorry, really... but this is the tradition... they won't let you out of the village until you do that...
I heard that someone that arrived here a few years ago refused, and the people here started hating them and guarding the house, not letting them out until they agree to hunt, and people were staying very close to them until they hunted.
Then they were booted out of here. What a shame... they really liked it here..."

Tyler's voice was cold, and for the first time, he was... quiet. Tears filled my eyes. I don't want to... I... I can't... what am I going to do??


All this week I was distancing myself from the village people. Not talking much. Doing what they asked. I didn't talk much with Tyler, either.

Today is the day...
I became very stressed.
They'll make me... HUNT poor deers with my bare hands...

I won't be able to live with myself...

The people congratulated me, giving me presents, but I didn't enjoy it. I smiled and thanked everyone because I had to, but my mind was in a different place.

The village people knocked on my door at 12 in the afternoon.
I shakingly get out to them, knowing that there's no escape.
My parents kissed me goodbye and I was given a... GUN... as the people led me inside the woods.

I was tearing up as a deer appeared in the distance. I couldn't shoot it.

"Come on, Y/N! This is your chance!"
One of the elders put a hand on my shoulder.

"I... I... I can't!"

I ran to the deer, shielding it.

"W-What?! Y/N! What are you doing?! Kill it!!!"


"Oh, you probably need to see how it's done first... move out of the way, we'll show you how to hunt and then you'll try for yourself! Your parents will be so proud..."


I started arguing with the village people.

"OK, I give up. We'll try again tomorrow. But today, we need food. MOVE, Y/N."

"NO! If you try to hurt it... I'll..."

I pointed my gun at them. I hate them. How dare they hurt this cute animal... how dare they MAKE ME DO IT...

"Hahaha! You won't. Now, MOVE!"

I pressed my finger, shooting two of them dead. The people were shocked... I was shocked... the deer ran away...
The people started screaming at me, wanting to kill me for what I've done.

I take a deep breath.
I don't care anymore.
Goodbye, world... stay safe, deers... I died saving you... do you know you are my favourite animal...?

The thoughts were running through my head as I shot more people. I felt the bullets, the pain, but I shot them back until I blacked out...

1054 words

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