A Healthy dose of Toxic Relationships

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Boy, This is a big one.

First starting with rejection. It's usually the male MC who rejects the other lead because they are not "popular" Or "strong" enough. Adding insult to injury they will start regretting their rejection sometimes because the female MC usually changes for "revenge" Or even worse because they realise their mistake, they were too fast to judge. I am usually highly disappointed about how quickly the female MC takes them back and how the excuses are very flimsy. Usually Werewolf books treat mates as highly valuable and that they are socially conditioned to respect that (exactly how college degrees are treated in modern world). But then how does a male MCs are so quick to decide that the other person is not for them or the other person as less? For comparison will you reject a college just because it's not ivy League not to mention not everyone wants Ivy League? Will you take the decision about your university without actually researching about it? Do we not think about those decisions for months if not years? Don't we go on college campuses to check it out and see if it is a right fit for us? You can't excuse the stupid behaviour of the MC stating that teenagers make mistakes. I agree teenagers do make mistakes and they learn from it but they are not stupidly hasty in life altering decisions. Please give them more credit than that.

Being Possessive to the point of Problematic. I am a sucker of protective guys, it usually soothes my needs for validation and makes me feel cared and loved. But the possesiveness in these books usually have a dark undercurrent of trust issues because no sane person is not not tolerant of their partner talking to someone or having a good relationship with someone.

The general lack of good friendships is one more red flag and how every other relationship takes a backseat to the romantic relationship. I genuinely hate it when (usually the female) MC deserts her life completely once she finds her mate, be it friends, family or work and career. This is completely unrealistic. Why is his life more important than hers? I will accept it might be easier for the human to adjust but doesn't mean the guy can take the decision away from her. They need to have a discussion and come to a consensus that works for both of them.

One more trope of many rejection books is getting back with the person who treated you like trash and especially the ones in which they leave a genuinely good guy for that ahole. Not cool. Don't play with other persons feelings like that honey. Settling for the Stupid loud mouth bother of a mate annoys me to no end. Not only is it obviously toxic, it perpetrates the societal pressure of making a girl feel guilty for not accepting a guy after he apologizes without giving regard to the emotional trauma the girl went through because of him. It is okay not to want to put yourself in that vulnerable position again. You can still forgive him for what he did and not want to be together with him again. The notion that women have to settle for less just because he changed, like no girl you deserve better than that cheating piece of trash.

The biggest red flag of all, invalidating the consent of the MC and brushing it off as humorous twist. Let me explain, the amount of books in which the mate straight up kidnaps the other person is worrying. Like that person is your friggin soulmate, why would you want to take them away from their family friends and things that they love, their career, etc??!!! It's also like a big F you too the actual kidnap victims to play this off as a romantic theme, when in reality kidnapped females are sold of as sex workers or slaves and they loose their independence completely. Moving on Marking her without permission is definitely not cool. Subtle Coercion to make the female MC do things is everywhere, for example threatening the MCs family or career  to make them stay.

And also how violence against others is normalized. Omegas are hardly better than slaves and this needs to change.

Also the young age of the main characters, Ik this is mainly directed to an younger audience so to make it relatable the MCs are young. Considering, that is the age in which people actually go on to discover who they are and find their own foothold on the world. It's highly important to stress that it is okay to have some failed relationships, before figuring out who you like. And it's okay to have not been in a relationship through your teenager years. It takes some time to grow as a person and to realize you had some bad traits too. It's alarming how they rush to have kids, I would love for them to discover themselves and each other first.  I don't mean to disvalue people who are with their better half from a very young age and have managed to make it work, it's just that you guys are a rarity.

Usually the things are so rushed that I don't see what attracted them to each other, yes there is the mate bond but there should be some reason they are mates like how do they play up each other's best qualities, how are they good together? I would like to see the substance behind their relationship, the magic sauce of what makes them perfect for each other.

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