Overvaluing Virginity

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There is a brilliant post which talks about the misgivings of Virginity, I will paraphrase it here.
The concept of Virginity:
>> Is Heteronormative
>> Excludes males
>> Disrespects rape survivors
>> Objectifies females
>> Erases female sexuality
>> Reduces women to how men perceive them sexually
>> Reinforces oppressive ideals of femininity AND masculinity
>> Reduces sex to male penetration
>> Weaponizes penetration to depreciation of that woman.

Let me clarify some points,
Don't get me wrong, if you want to save yourself for someone and want the first time to be special it's completely okay, I am not criticizing you.

And if you feel sex is just sex and don't care about virginity, I support that as well. It's that person's choice at the end ot the day.

What I mean by overvaluing virginity is putting an emphasis on that part of the female MC while the Male MC gets a free pass to sleep around.

I would love to read a book where the female MC is confident about her sexuality, has some experience AND is not apologetic about it.

What does heteronormative mean?
It's simple, it pertains to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the "normal" or preferred sexual orientation.
All sexual orientations are normal. Usually the concept of virginity is very murky when it comes to anything other than straight couples.

Comparing a woman to that of second hand goods just because she is not a virgin is appalling. It reduces the girl or woman to a very crude valuation of her worth to that of her sexual organs.
This thought process doesn't belong in this century.

And because the societal norms dictates a guy to sleep around, sow his oats, and any other synonym for sex. Some men are forced to do it, even if they don't particularly enjoy it for fear being seen as a social pariah. Not to mention this puts down asexual or Ace males.
Add to this the total concept of virginity being fraudulent, considering many women tear their hymen during physical exercise or just normal everyday life.

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