Diversity who?

68 4 13

It's time we address the glaringly obvious fact. I do acknowledge that book genres as a whole have a lot more work to do on the diversity front, but it's even more apparent in werewolf books.
By diversity I not only mean the race but also the appearance, gender, sexual orientation, believes and views of the characters in the book.

The leads are usually always cis, white and straight. Rarely do you ever see something different.
It's almost always a tall guy and a short girl. As a Tall woman who doesn't look like a model, I am particularly salty about this.
Give me some short guys and tall girls you know, hello ever heard of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner? Variety you know?
It's not that hard to incorporate.

I would love to see a bi main guy or a trans guy as an alpha dealing with the prejudices of that.
A guy who is more lean, no six pack because that is unrealistic even for Olympic level athletes. A girl who is not shunned for being fat.

Healthy looks different on different people, even if you constantly exercise and eat healthy, not everyone will have lean thighs and six pack abs. People can be fit and look very different to the stereotypical "fit" Body.

While we are it can we please get some multi racial couple romance. Love doesn't see skin colour or ethnicity.
Also can we have more brown eyed lead characters? And if they have brown eyes and deeper skin tone, can we not call them exotic?
Diversity in simple things like different hair types and body types will do wonders.
Body shapes aren't just stick thin model like or curvy, hour glass goddess. There is a wide spectrum in which many people fall.

Can we also have a Muslim female or someone with a completely different belief system than the other MC, this can be easily incorporated when the werewolves have human mates?

Asian representation is a joke in mainstream werewolf books.
People deserve to see themselves in their favourite characters. The joy from relating to a main character is a thrill that's hard to put into words. So please for the sake of accurate depiction bring in more diversity.

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