Chapter 24

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To Isabella
We had went back to the Jotunheim. In that matter of what have you done. You have taken the Casket of Ancient Winters. You have taken all the power to yourself. We would be back on the that day. You will parishes you little mortal.

"What are they talking about. When did I take the Casket of Ancient Winters."

Izzy walked out of her room in confusing. She didn't know what they meant at all.

"Hey guys I got a letter from the Frost Giants"

"Let me look at it."

Tony ran up to izzy and read the letter. Tony was confused as well. Thor as well Loki read it as well. Expect for Aries. He didn't want to read because he did see an imagine of her own daughter.

"When you guys went to sleep last night. I saw an imagine of Izzy"

They all turned around to look at him. Tony,Loki, and Thor had a vision about her too. Izzy was about lose it when nobody told her what was going on. She wanted to hit somebody if they didn't tell her.

"What's going on"

"Their was an imagine just like you.But it looked like a zombie version of you"

"The frost giants are might be playing with our minds"

"It's because of me isn't"

"No it is not Izzy"

Tony gave Izzy a hug to clam her down. Izzy was crying into Tony's shirt. It doesn't seem the same anymore for Izzy. Tony was patting her head in a fatherly matter. All that matter was to keep her safe and that was it.

"Izzy please stop crying"

"Wh-why. Cause you guys think I am a weak unwanted person"

"No it's not that it's just that you need to get this over with this"

Izzy had stopped crying and went on the coach to lay down. Her dad went behind the coach that Izzy was on. Izzy's skin was pale likes Loki's skin.

"Izzy when this is all over. I want you to move to Xandar"

"Why dad. I don't know who lives their or what's Xandar is"

"It's where your mom use to live. I met your mother their and your cousin is."

"Tony do you know when the Frost Giants are going to come back."

"I just texted Banner and the letter. He is going to come here and tell us."


Izzy was in nervewreaking mood. She didn't know what to feel. If she broke that thing non of this would have happened.Her mind went all over the place. What will happen to her at the end of this. Is any of this worth it?

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