Chapter 28

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Izzy was flying to find the chamber. It would have taken forever if she didn't wear these shoes that Tony gave a while ago. As Izzy was flying through the corridors she heard guns firing in the distance.

Izzy then landed on the ground so that she walk to the noise. Also that she can see who it is. When Izzy got to the end of the hall and hid at the edge of the wall. Izzy saw a man that had a black and red suit, two swords on his back as well as guns. To Izzy it looked like he was wearing mask too.

Then a Frost Giant came flying towards Izzy but it hit the wall. Izzy then saw the man turn around and started to walk to the direction where Izzy was. Izzy then went back to hiding. She looked again to see he was gone and took a couple of steps to where the Frost Giants use to be. Izzy had her head tilted to left of the confusion of this.

"He looked familiar and where the hell did he go." Izzy thought to herself

Then Izzy felt hands around her stomach. It mostly felt like a hug. Izzy then screamed.

"Hello their sweetheart."

The voice had whispered to her ear.Izzy looked over to see it was Deadpool. Izzy tried to escape from Deadpool's grasp.

"Deadpool let me go now!" Yelled Izzy

"Why should I. I haven't seen you in years darling." Deadpool said

Izzy had stopped squaring and remember the time Deadpool had saved her. The memory came to her just now. She had forgotten the whole thing. Izzy had cringe but yet she was happy for Deadpool for saving her.


Izzy was walking in New York. It was a cold Friday night in November. Young Izzy had just turned 6 last month.the girl was wearing a red shirt, skinny jeans,and the jacket that her dad had left her.

She was just a little girl and just a 6-year-old. Her mother was beating her again. So Izzy took money that she stole out of her mom purse so she can take the next train to New York. It was dark outside when she had went to New York.

The sun almost had set and the moon and stars had appeared. Young Izzy didn't cared what had happened to her at all. She just didn't want nobody to remember her. Young Izzy had approached near an alley way. It was all ready dark out. The only light that was coming down was the light of the full moon.

Izzy had decide to sleep in the alley way because she had seen a dirty matters. As the young girl was walking she was surrounded by tall men. It looked like they where from a gang or something. old. Izzy had uncover one of her powers at the time but vanished.

"What is a little girl like you doing here"

"Aren't you suppose to be home playing with your dolls."

"Why do you care about I can and can not do."

"Feisty aren't we little girl."

The man had ran towards her. The 6-year-old had formed a icicle sword out of thin air and cut the mans thort. The body had fell as blood had gushed out of his neck.

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