Chapter 28: Day Off

Start from the beginning

"So, I talked with your brother and he doesn't want you to go to school tomorrow." Like ripping off a bandage. His face brightens up but then his eyebrows scrunch up after a second.

"Wait, why? What's the catch?" He asks suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" I ask not quite understanding.

"Well, I get into a fight and what? My brother gives me a day off? Are you sure you talked to the right Jaxon? He doesn't usually praise bad behaviour." Now my eyebrows scrunch up.

"Yeah no, that's not what this is, he's not praising you. He's actually pretty mad. He would just prefer you to not be in school until he can have a talk with you about things. He doesn't want to risk you getting into another fight alone." I explain, he looks like he understands now.

"Ah right okay. He'll be back tomorrow right?" He asks. I nod my head in confirmation.

"So on a scale from one to ten, how mad is he." He looks a bit scared for the answer. I just smile reassuringly at him.

"I'm not going to lie, he's pretty mad but I've seen him a lot worse than this so I'm sure you'll be okay. Plus, he has a whole 24 hours to calm down." I say hoping to make him feel better but it doesn't look like my words helped. He's got his head bowed down looking at the floor.

"I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. He can be really harsh when he wants to be, especially when it comes to me and Winter."

"Look East, you'll be alright. He just loves you guys so much that he can't stand it when either of you are hurt. In all honesty, He's probably just mad at himself that he wasn't there to help you. My brother is like that too, but do you know what, he can never stay mad at us. All you have to do is apologise and let him know that you understand your mistake then assure him that it won't happen again." Hopefully that advice will help him, everything I said was true. Armano is very protective of us all and since he usually finds out about stuff before Papa does, it usually means he's the one to scold us. It always annoyed me but seeing Jaxon acting this way with his siblings, makes me understand it more. It's out of love and a little bit of fear, I get it now.

He just nods then walks out of the kitchen, presumably back to Nova.

I decide for myself that I want to spend the night at my apartment. I've got to call Papa and I think I'd like the privacy of my own place for that.
I need to sort out all the details of going back to Italy for Armano officially becoming the Don. I still need to tell Jaxon about that actually. I'll tell him when he gets back.

I've left my school stuff  back at my apartment anyway and have clothes there so I don't need to pack anything before I leave. I just need to tell Winter and East that I'm leaving.

I walk back to the living room to find East and Nova gone and Winter and Penny watching the tv. I'll just let Win know then and she can tell East later.

"Hey girls" I say catching their attention. They both turn to look at me.

"I'm going to spend the night at my apartment, I've got a few things to take care of. Do either of you still want a lift in the morning?"

Winter just shakes her head, "No it's alright I'll get East to take us." I just nod my head.

"Okay well I'll see you both tomorrow, if anything happens you know where the guards are but if you need me, don't hesitate to call." They both just nod saying 'okay'.

With that I take my leave.


It's around 8pm now and I've had dinner and showered. Now it's time to call Papa.

I pick up the phone, scrolling to his name.

It doesn't ring for long before he picks up.

"hello?" His gruff voice comes through the phone.

"Hey Papa, how are you?"

"I'm good bambina, how are you? I've not heard from you in a while" I sigh at that.

"I'm fine Papa, just been busy."

"I never got to apologise to you Bambina, you tried to tell me about Anita and I didn't listen to you so I'm sorry for that." I'm pretty shocked at that. When I said Collisimo men don't apologise I meant it. I don't think Papa's ever had to apologise like this to me before. It feels weird.

"Thank you, Papa, that means a lot to me."

"Of course, now enough of this, when are you coming back?" I just roll my eyes, back to business.

"I don't know I was waiting on you to tell me when you wanted me back. I don't want to come too early and get in the way of things." I know how hectic it's going to be, big events in our family involves everyone. And the dress ALWAYS causes tensions to rise cause a few petty arguments, I'd really rather miss all that this time.

"Well, the ceremony is two weeks tomorrow, on Saturday, so I've booked the jet to be in New York two weeks tomorrow, so on the Friday. It's going to be an early flight though bambina, around 6am over there. I'll let you know exact times next week. " Oh god, 6am?? Did he really need to make it that damn early?

"Most of the family is then going to the Lodge for a few days after, I'll talk to the school and assuming there's no issues, I expect you to be there the full time. Is that clear?" This trip might be longer than I thought.

"Yes Papa, I can't wait to see you all." I say hopefully sounding excited.

"Okay Bambina, I have a meeting to attend, but I love you and please do give your Mama a call, she misses you."

"Okay Papa, love you."

"Love you too tesoro." The line then goes dead.

I can't help but feel a little disappointed at the fact I'll be in Italy for so long. I mean the worst part is that it's not actually long at all, only around a week, maybe more. It's ridiculous that I already feel so strongly for Jaxon. I mean I always thought nothing would ever stop me from going back to Italy to see my family, but the thought of Jaxon does. I hate being away from him for too long.

These feelings have developed way too fast. I mean I only met him in August and it's Halloween in a couple of days. I've never had feelings this strong before and that scares me. What if he doesn't feel the same way? It's all a bit much for me to be honest.

I'm just overthinking this, I need to sleep and I'm sure I'll feel better when I see him tomorrow.

Tomorrow when I need to tell him about my trip to Italy.

Can't wait.



Hope you all have the best day possible considering the current situation ❤️

Until next time, stay safe and thank you so much for reading xx

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