She broke down a door and went down the hallway, her eyes on the metal doors. There needed to be keycards to enter the rooms, but it didn't take her long to find the young girl with it.

Her hands were capable of wrapping completely around her neck, her claws digging into the front of her throat. The girl looked up to her calmly, before letting a smile onto her face.

"You are here for your siblings, yes? Well, don't let me stop you. I am only a public servant, one who feeds and cleans after."

Zaltana narrowed her eyes. Why could she not kill this woman? It would be so easy, just barring her claws to create a hole into her windpipe. Her tail came up to the girl's calf, the stinger digging into her skin. The girl's eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she scooped her up into her arms. She had no idea what she was doing.

Over her shoulder she went, taking the keycard from her keychain, clicking the first door open. Her ears came back, as she saw Adany and Coahoma chained in this room, and she stepped forward, laying the girl down before beginning to remove the chains.

Adany started to wake up as she snapped his bonds, looking at her curiously. He didn't seem to understand who or what she was, quite yet. He was always in lala land when he first woke up.

"Took you long enough," Adany whined, as she snapped the one holding his right wrist. He flew around, and she broke the other, watching him fall flat on his face.

"Ow... fuck you," he said, pushing himself up. His arms shook as he went to stand.

She started unchaining Coahoma next, the wampus cat waking up immediately. She growled, biting her on the nose. Zaltana hissed, slashing at her sister. The two came away from each other, spitting and hissing. Adany raised a brow at the two, rubbing his temples.

"Zala?" Coahoma asked, her ears perking back up.

"Yes, who else would it be?"

"Zala!" Coahoma said, "Quick, release me!"

"No sorry? No thank you for arriving?" Zaltana countered, crossing her arms over her chest, "Also, biting is generally considered to be rude."

She took a deep breath out, blood dripping from the four punctures around her nose and from her nostrils.

"Um, yes, both of those, now get these damn chains off!"

Zaltana whistled, before unclipping the chains from around her sister's body. They fell to the ground, each one producing clinks. She tilted her head at the noises before Coahoma started to push herself up.

She looked over to Adany, who was looking down at the ground. At least he had been standing up. His muscles hadn't been trapped in shitty positions, like Coahoma had.

"Can you stand?" Zaltana asked, grabbing onto her sister's hands and pulling. The wampus cat stumbled, her legs shaking and her tail tucked under her.

"Just fine," Coahoma whimpered, and Zatlana looked at her sadly. She did not wish anything bad to happen to her siblings, and here they had been, for however long it had taken her to find them. They were practically under her nose for how long? This place was starting to seem more and more obvious. How could she have been so blind?

"I'm sorry for taking so long," Zaltana said, picking back up on her once reclusive attitude. She didn't wish to apologize, nor look sorry, yet her face was beet red and her hands were shaking.

"At least you came when no one else did," Coahoma laughed, before coughing, and Zaltana walked her sister out slowly, one paw after another. Adany was with them, watching them as if they were something he needed to protect. She didn't understand the face, her and Coahoma were much older than him.

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