Sweaty hands

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Chapter four




It's 8 AM.

I forgot to set my alarm, luckily I automatically wake up a bit early.

Work starts at nine, it takes me fifteen minutes to get there, I need to shower and pack my things before leaving and-

A knock at my door.

This is not a good time...

Though I don't want to ignore them and seem rude, so I walked to the door, seemingly swinging it open to reveal my neighbour, Ouma.

"Oh uh- Ouma-kun? Can I help you?"

The short man smiled kindly, "Morning, Saihara-chan! Did you just wake up? I hope I didn't wake you.. I wanted to ask if you had any spare rice!"

Huh? He wants to make rice this early in the day?

Why doesn't he just go to the convenience store?

I huffed, still wanting to seem like a kind neighbour so they wouldn't all hate me, and nodded, walking to my kitchen and grabbing the bag of leftover rice.

Turning around so I could walk to the door, I noticed Ouma-kun had already invited himself into my apartment and was looking around.

"Wow, Saihara-chan! Either you really like minimalism, or you just don't have any decorations! That's a pity, I wanted to see how you express yourself," he said, pouting.

Huh? What does that mean?

"Oh, yeah, I mostly had posters back in my last home, and I didn't really want to put a bunch of paper in the truck, so I just threw them away.. Plus, they were a bit.. geeky."

I shuddered, thinking back to my days of watching Sherlock Holmes and true crime stories all night.

The posters plastered on my walls watched me sleep.

I feel slightly relieved to have them gone.

Ouma-kun's face lit up, "Posters? What kind of posters?"

I rubbed my nape, chuckling slightly.

"Listen, Ouma-kun. I'd really love to chat, but I have work soon and I need to get ready.. I'm already running a bit late."

Ouma-kun frowned slightly, but nodded in understanding.

"That's alright! I forgot that not everyone just works whenever they want."

That's odd. I wonder what he does for a living.

But I have no time to ask, I need to get to work.

Ouma-kun muttered a goodbye and skipped out of the door.

For the fact that it was early in the morning, the pep in his step seemed energetic and awake.


I forgot to give him the rice.


Twenty-five minutes later, I arrived at my new job. I made sure to be there five minutes early so my hands wouldn't be sweaty while shaking hands with the employees, and so my heart wouldn't be beating out of my chest from having to climb the stairs.

Maybe I should work out more often.

I took a deep breath, wiping my hands on my pants incase my pores had released sweat without me noticing over the drum of my heart.

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