38. We Need to Talk About Kevin

Start from the beginning

"You and me both."

Dean made his way to Rufus' and was instantly doused with holy water. He wiped his eyes and glared before seeing who had splattered him. "Sersh?!"

Saoirse studied him. "You're back! I knew you weren't dead!"

"Nope. I'm not a Leviathan or a shifter either."

"We'll have to test each other. But first..." She kissed him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so damn much."

Dean, relishing in her hug, kissed the top of her head and said, "I missed you too, amore."

Saoirse poured Borax over herself and cut her forearm. "Your turn."

Before Dean could test himself, the front door opened and Sam took a few steps inside and Dean pushed him to the ground and doused him with holy water.

Sam frowned. "What the-? I'm not a demon." Dean poured Borax over Sam. "Or a Leviathan. What-"

Dean grabbed Sam's arm and cut it with a knife. Sam gasped in pain. "Or a shifter. Good." Dean stood. "My turn. They're good. Come on. Let's go." He held out the bottles to Sam.

Sam shook his head. "I don't need to. I know it's you."

"Damnit, Sammy!" He splashed the holy water and Borax over himself and held out a knife to Sam, who had stood up. "Come on!"

"No! Dean, can I just say hello?"

Dean rolled up his sleeve and cut his own arm. "All right." He smiled and bound it up. "Well... let's do this."

"I don't know whether to hug you or take a shower."

Dean laughed and said, "Come here." He held out his arms and they hugged, Saoirse joining in.

"Dude. You're... freakin' alive," Sam said. He walked a few steps away with his hands in his hair. "I mean, what the hell happened?"

"Well, I guess standing too close to exploding Dick sends your ass straight to Purgatory."

"You were in Purgatory?" Sam asked. "For the whole year?"

"Yeah, time flies when you're running for your life."

"How'd you get out?" Saoirse asked.

Dean met her eyes. "I guess whoever built that box didn't want me in there any more than I did."

"What does that mean?" Sam frowned.

"We're here, okay?"

"What about Cas? Was he there?"

Dean walked a few steps away and spoke, his back to Sam and Saoirse. "Yeah, Cas didn't make it."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"Something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end, and he... just let go."

"So Cas is dead? You saw him die?"

"I saw enough."

"So, then what, you're not sure?"

Dean turned back to Sam. "I said I saw enough, Sam."

"Right. Dean, I'm sorry."

Saoirse looked between them, wondering if she'd have to break up a fight. She especially hated when the brothers fought.

Dean said, "Me too. So you -- I can't believe you two are actually here." He took three beers from the fridge. "You know that half your numbers are out of service? Felt like I was leaving messages in the wind. Seri didn't answer, but at least her calls went through." He sat and set a beer down for Sam, who remained standing. Saoirse sat next to Dean who leaned closer to her.

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