24- Black Heart

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She didn't breathe

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She didn't breathe.

As Inara galloped furiously toward the burning fairgrounds, Leanna held her breath. Maybe in refusing the world her air, it would stop turning; and in stilled time, keep the circus from burning.

It didn't.

In the distance, raging orange and red flames continued to devour the Big Top. The crackling fingers of the fire clawed toward the sky as if the canvas' cry for release. Caught in the blinding smoke that cloaked the field, Inara's horn ignited. The frosted hue cut through the blackness and Leanna sucked in a choking breath at the sight.

The protective stakes guarding the fairgrounds were now sharpened spikes. The crystals that once crowned them had been crushed and scattered like rubble on the ground. Their glow pulsed slowly as if the heart of the circus, dying.

And behind the fallen crystals, a slaughter.

Inara neighed, half rearing to a halt. "All in Forever..." she breathed, her fearful gaze trained ahead.

Hulking machines the size of men sliced the air with scythe-like arms. Ruby eyes gleamed in the black fog as they brought jagged blades down, destroying the tents and the outnumbered performers fighting to protect their circus. Steam hissed from their seams, underscored by gurgling screams and the slosh of innocent blood splattering against their breastplates.

"Why are we stopping?" Leanna cried frantically, darting a manic gaze all around. The large machines hadn't seen them yet, but Machina had eyes everywhere. She looked back to the field where metallic crabs skittered along the ground, shooting venomous daggers at those who fought back—at Yelena who weaved funnels of water, driving them toward the flames, at Ben who rode on Kia's back lunging onto the backs of these monsters destroying the circus and its people. "Inara! We need to help them!"

Inara sucked in a breath, snapping from her agony. "The shattered crystals will only magnify my power so far," she said, scanning the field. "We must draw them close. Hold on tight!"

Obediently, Leanna twisted the reins tighter. Inara reared with a piercing neigh once and again, each whine louder than the last. Her cry was a kaleidoscope of sound, and echoed over the roar of the flames and scraping metal.

The large beasts paused in their carnage and cut glowing eyes to Inara. In a horrid dance they turned head first, bulky bodies following. The ground began to rumble, their approach fast and steady.

Leanna clutched the reins tighter, the instinct to flee burning at her joints. But she would not doubt Inara's power. She couldn't!

Bowing her head, a funnel of white fire kindled at Inara's horn. Frosted wisps danced around the white spear, swelling with each rotation. On the ground, the crystal remnants glowed brighter, hearing Inara's call.

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