IDFB 13a: Yeah, how? I wanna know! ⚡️

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October 2nd

Nighttime in Yoyle City. The sun had long since set, and the stars were out to play. The moon was approximately three-quarters full, and growing fuller every night. It shined its light upon the buildings, where absolutely nothing moved.

Except... a green object flickered between streets and alleyways, doing its best to stay mostly out of sight. It was about to dart across another section of asphalt when a blinding light hit the road, and it scrambled to get back inside the trash can it was just hiding in.

The light in question was coming from a spotlight, which was attached to a large ship hovering a couple miles over the city. It continued to sweep across the same street before moving on. The object waited another minute before climbing out of the trash can and to the other side of the road.

Several antagonizing minutes later, Leafy (for of course it was she) finally reached the Hand-Powered Recovery Center. Glancing behind her to make sure the ship was far enough away, she apprehensively tapped a few keys. "B... U... B... B again... L... E..." she muttered to herself while typing. A noise spat out of the machine, and Leafy began to crank the handle.

Ding! The customary sound effect of the HPRC signaled Bubble's recovery back into the world. She stood up, one hand rubbing her eyes. "Erg..."

"Bubble! Quick! Eat this Yoyleberry!" Leafy said hurriedly.


Leafy pulled out a Yoyleberry and forcefully stuffed it into Bubble's mouth without popping her. She swallowed instinctively, gagging as it went down her throat whole. "Gah. Not again..." Within seconds, she was made of Yoylemetal through and through. "Leafy, why'd you- wait! You popped me earlier! And why did you just make me eat a Yoyleberry?"

"Sorry about that, Bubble. I'd love to catch up with you, but we don't really have time to talk."

"What do you mean?" Then Bubble noticed the UFO floating ominously above Yoyle Mountain. "OMBB! What in the world is that??"

Leafy realized that the ship was beginning to move back towards the city. "I'll explain in a bit, but first we need to go get some other people. Come on!" Leafy dashed off towards the cluster of buildings, leaving Bubble no choice but to follow her.

(cue IDFB intro lol)


They ran for several minutes straight before pausing. Bubble put her hands on her knees, breathing heavily. It had been a while since she'd exerted herself like that. "Please... tell me why... we're running... so fast," she panted, out of breath.

Leafy looked at her sympathetically, feeling pretty tired herself. "I don't want to have to explain everything twice, ok? Let's just wait until we find the others. All you really need to know right now is that- LOOK OUT!"

The lemon leaf tackled Bubble, pushing both of them off the sidewalk and into an alleyway just as the spotlight from before swept over the spot Bubble was previously standing in. They got up and spat dirt out of their mouths. "Leafy!" Bubble complained.

"Sorry," Leafy apologized again. "But we can't let them see us."

"Who's they?! And why are you being so mysterious about all this?"

Leafy raised her hands in defense. "Just be patient."

Bubble sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Sorry... I'm just trying to process a lot. There was that whole thing from earlier, when you attacked us, and now you're being really secretive about some weird UFO, and on top of all that, I've just got a massive headache, so I can barely think."

IDFB: Continued - an IDFB fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now