IDFB 8a: Rain, Rain, Go Away 🌧️

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March 11th

The time was approximately 1 AM, and Bomby was snoring away in his bed. In another bed a few feet away lay Naily, also peacefully sleeping. All was quiet.

But not for long, as purple sparks silently fizzled into existence around Bomby. Blissfully unaware, he was coated in a violet sheen and transported somewhere else entirely in a matter of seconds.

As the final shine of indigo light left the room, Naily sleepily opened a single eye, registered nothing but darkness, and promptly went back to sleep.

Across the city, Firey, Nickel, and Woody met the same fate as Bomby.


Three days later

Coiny rushed through the streets, doing his best to shield himself from the torrential downpour, but to no avail. His arms weren't much of a defense against the rain. Thankfully, he was not outside for long, as he quickly rushed past the Yoyle Needy and burst into the doors of the Nice Business building. However, as he entered, a puddle caused him to trip and do an epic slide across the floor, face-down. He came to a stop in front of the semicircle of objects sitting in front of a space heater.

Lollipop smiled condescendingly. "Nice entrance, coin creature," she remarked. Gelatin snickered at this.

Coiny popped up from the floor with a smile on his face. "Hey, guys!"

"Coiny! Close the doors!" Fries reprimanded. "You're letting out all the hot air!"

Doing a 180, Coiny went and quickly shut the doors. "Jeez, it is CRAZY out there," he complained.

"I know!" Pin agreed. "And not only is it pretty bad, but it's also the first rain we've seen since BFDI 3!"

"Hey, you're right!"

"Nobody needed to know that, smarty-point," Pencil grumbled. Book elbowed her.

Coiny took a proper look around the semicircle, seeing 21 others. Ice Cube was hiding from the heater behind Book, who sat squished between Ruby and Balloony. Pencil and Match sat by themselves a little ways away from Ruby. Next to Balloony was Saw, then Lollipop and Taco. A little behind Taco was where Pillow and Pie sat. On the other end of the semicircle was Fries and Puffball, as well as Gelatin and Yellow Face. Between that group and Taco's group was Teardrop, Needle, Pen, and Pin. Finally, Naily and Rocky were perched together atop the space heater itself.

As Coiny plopped himself down between Pen and Pin, Taco said, "It was really nice of you to invite us here, Fries."

Fries just nodded, still shivering a little from the soggy fries he had.

"Is that everyone, though?" Pie wondered. "I feel like we had a lot more people living in the city." Coiny noticed this at the same time.

"Well, Bubble popped earlier," Match explained. "The heavy rain was, like, too much for her frail body."

"When Lightning was freed, he just shot off into the sky to explore," Pen said. "I don't know if he ever came back."

Naily looked like she wanted to say something, but Puffball interrupted her as she opened her mouth. "Is Roboty still on top of the Locker Of Losers?"


"Bomby's gone missing!!" Naily wailed. Everyone turned to look at Naily. "He's been gone for a couple days now. I was hoping he was just exploring more of the city, but now I'm getting worried!"

IDFB: Continued - an IDFB fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now