IDFB 4a: Uncaged 🔓

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December 1st

It was dawn. The rising sun peeked over the horizon, shining its rays across the unusual purple grass and collection of buildings that was Yoyle City. One of the first beams of golden light landed on a manhole cover as it was lifted up and onto the pavement. A football-shaped hunk of metal emerged from the sewers. Leafy - for it was her, of course - looked around to get her bearings, and heard a faint scream. She looked up to find a thin and pointy building towering over the rest of the city, the base next to her. Directly above was something dangling from the top; the source of the screaming. Sighing, Leafy entered the building and began to climb the long, spiral staircase.

After several minutes and many, many steps, Leafy reached the top. She dashed to the edge and looked down, seeing a chain tied to the railing. She quickly took the chain in both hands and pulled as hard as she could, grunting with exertion. "Oh, Firey," she said to herself as she hauled the chain upwards. "Why'd you have to go and get yourself trapped in a cage? You know you're afraid of heights." She got no response, and she didn't count the constant screaming as one.

With one final heave, she pulled the last of the chain up, revealing that the object attached to the end was a cage. And inside the cage was, of course, Firey. Leafy balanced the cage on the railing precariously and, holding it with one hand, used her other to pull out a knife. She grunted again and tossed it off the edge as she conjured a new one, this time with a serrated edge. She began to saw at the part of the chain that was attached to the cage. All the while, Firey screamed like mad.

"Listen," Leafy muttered as she moved the knife back and forth, slowly but surely making progress. "I don't know what's going on with your memory, but we have to get out of the city. It's not safe."

More screaming.

She continued. "I found something in a cave, and I don't like it. This city is in serious danger, and... oh, I already said that." She paused to sigh again and wipe sweat from her brow.

More screaming.

Leafy kept sawing away. "I know you're afraid of heights, but could you please stop screaming? I'm trying to get you out of here, and you're not making it any easier."

More screaming. Leafy just gritted her teeth and, with a final push, snapped the chain in half, disconnecting it from the cage. "Gotcha!"


Leafy whirled around to see who had managed to sneak up on her, but in her haste, accidentally shifted the weight of the cage. Gravity took control and pulled the cage off the balcony, yanking Leafy with it. She only had time to glimpse Bubble's face before hurtling off the edge and towards the ground below.

(cue IDFB intro lol)


Coiny loved Yoyle City. Even after waking up at dawn and taking an early morning walk around the city every morning for the past 3 years and some odd months, he still adored the place. It just never got old for him. Not even the extra chill of winter, which didn't affect Yoyle City much other than a decrease in temperature, couldn't dampen his mood as he strolled among the buildings.

Coiny was on one of these walks when he bumped into Fries, quite literally. They both turned the same corner at the same time and knocked each other over. Coiny groaned and got up, then grabbed one of Fries' arms and hoisted him to his feet. "You ok, Fries?"

Fries opened his eyes blearily and looked around. "...what am I doing outside?"

"What do you mean, 'what are you doing outside'?" Coiny had a thought. "Were you sleepwalking?"

IDFB: Continued - an IDFB fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now