IDFB 7b: Revenge! 🔥

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Golf Ball grunted as she finally propelled the miniature seismograph from the top of her head and into the river of glue trailing from the FreeSmart Supervan. There, she thought. Now no earthquake can knock that over.

She paused to wipe the sweat from her brow with her foot, before retracing her steps back to the factory. After the large earthquake that occurred earlier, she realized that she had never felt one in Yoyleland before the beginning of February. The fact that there had been two in the span of three weeks, when there were none for at least three years beforehand, troubled her. The readings on the seismograph after a few days would hopefully have some answers.

An hour of walking and sweating later, Golf Ball reached her factory and descended into its depths once more, already planning something else. Her mind was constantly moving, planning, thinking, always full of thoughts and theories and hypotheses and ideas of what to do next, calculating her next move to the last details. Currently, her mind wandered over to something that she had felt when she and Tennis Ball visited the Science Museum a few months ago...

GB shook her head to get rid of the thought as she reached the factory floor. Something about revisiting that memory made her feel frightened, and she didn't like that feeling. What made the situation worse is that she didn't know why that particular memory scared her, and if there's anything Golf Ball hated, it was not knowing something.

But she couldn't help thinking about those who made the museum. She knew almost nothing about the "others" who built this city and inhabited it before the objects of Goiky did. Who were they? What were they? Where did they go and why did they leave?

GB had no answers for the first two questions, or the last one, but a hypothesis about the third had formed inside her head. Perhaps the "others" simply went into space. So she decided to try creating something that could detect alien spaceships within the solar system. There was a good chance that the "others," if they even were in space, were no longer in the local solar system, or even in the Goiky Way galaxy. But as long as there was a chance, it was worth trying.

Golf Ball reached her workbench, sat down, and got to work.


Book peered through the doorway of the Science Museum as Ruby bounded past her and into the building. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked nervously.

"Oh, wake up and smell Flower's coffee, Book - this place won't hurt you!" Ruby trilled. "Bubble and I have been here a bunch of times and nothing ever happened to us!"

Reluctantly, Book stepped into the museum. "I still don't get why Pencil and Match don't want to focus on Leafy anymore," she said, changing the subject. "Even after I told them about the area where Leafy probably found her way into the sewer system, and might possibly be hiding."

"Wouldn't you want a break from thinking about Leafy after trying to find her the first time resulted in all of us getting lost underground?"

"Good point."

Something flashed red at the edge of Book's vision, but disappeared before she could get a proper look. She suddenly felt a lot more nervous and rushed up the stairs to get out of that room, forcing Ruby to follow.

"What are we searching for again?" Book asked as they reached the second floor.

"Pencil told us to look for anything that can protect the FreeSmart Supervan from intruders. Like, I dunno, a lock or something!"

Book glanced around the room, but didn't see anything that might work for their situation.

The allied duo continued up through the floors of the Science Museum and searched for several minutes. They saw lots of different exhibits, including things like a clay model of a white whale, the Holy Grail, a mini pirate ship without a sail, air mail, a volcano fail, some pyramids (not to scale), and some things I should not go into detail. There was also a tiny wooden shed (with a bed), some spiders and the undead, an arrow head, some local bread, and a giant spool of golden thread. But there was still nothing of use to be found.

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