IDFB 7a: Discoveries and Recoveries 🆕

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February 21st 

Book silently trudged through the seemingly endless tunnel, dragging her feet. It was impossible for her to tell how long she'd been down there alone, but it felt like ages. She hadn't spoken to someone in so long, she wasn't sure her voice would work if she tried to speak. The flashlight she used was miraculously still working, even after being on for several hours a day every day.

She tripped over something. Book looked down and saw the old, old remains of a campfire. Her mood lifted. A sign of life!

She stood back up and shined her light around, then gasped when it landed on the far wall. It was adorned with several drawings and various writing in an ancient language. The drawings disturbed her, showing her things that shouldn't have been known about at the time of drawing, based on how old they looked. Yoyle City, the HPRC, Evil Leafy, and something that looked suspiciously like a UFO, as well as a few more.

Stepping closer, she read out loud the only line that was written in English. "If death fosters birth, then the world will burn... hmm."

Putting her free hand to her 'chin,' she did her best to decipher the rest of the text. Since it appeared to be a much older form of Yoylese, she could read some words and guess others. Not much - but what she did translate was troubling.

After a couple minutes of headache-inducing reading, Book finally decided to move on. She could worry about what was on that wall once she found her way back to the surface. Thankfully, it turned out to be not that long at all. Less than a minute after walking away from the cave art, she saw something. Light. Sunlight.

Book rushed forward and was soon blinded by the sheer brightness of the sun. She breathed deeply, savoring her first breath of fresh air in almost two months, content to just let the sun shine on her for a bit.

A moment passed, and Book was able to see again. She looked around, spotting Yoyle City only a few minute's walk away. Turning off her flashlight and silently marveling at how long it had lasted, she sprinted over to the city, eager to be in civilization again.

(cue IDFB intro lol)


Ding! Golf Ball popped out of the Hand-Powered Recovery Center, transforming from a 2-D circle into a 3-D sphere in an instant. Tennis Ball took his foot off the crank. "Well?" he asked.

Golf Ball stood up. "Nothing," she grunted, frustrated. "40 times I've died now, and I don't remember anything about the supposed 'dead zone.'"

"'Dead zone?'"

"That's what I'm calling the other dimension that Bubble claims we go to when we die."

"Since when?"

"Since now."

The spherical duo started walking towards the LOL, as it was nearly noon. "Well, Bubble's much more fragile than you are," Tennis Ball pointed out. "She's probably died more than anyone else, so it may take a while for you to notice anything. Also, she's not even fully sure herself, remember? She described it as 'having a muddy feeling about something' after getting recovered."

"I suppose you're right," GB admitted.

"Besides, I'm a little worried about us using your factory's incinerator. I know it's the most efficient way to die, since you disabled the Golf Ball Safety Net, but what if we were to both fall in? Nobody would know to recover us."

Golf Ball scoffed. "Puh-leeze. As if that would actually happen."

The two traversed through the city in silence for a few minutes before they came across Saw, who spotted them and ran over. "Hey guys!" she called out cheerfully.

IDFB: Continued - an IDFB fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now