IDFB 3b: Feast 🥔

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Fries led Golf Ball and Tennis Ball to the Nice Business building, the place where Fries slept and planned to cook the remaining grotatoes. On the far wall, there was a large receptionist's desk with several desktops sitting there. Fries waved to Bomby and Yellow Face, who were sitting at one of the computers, playing some sort of game.

"I'm glad to hear the grotatoes are working out for you, Fries," Tennis Ball said. "Do you feel any side effects?"

"The only thing that's different is that I'm constantly hiccuping." As if to prove his point, Fries hiccuped. "But I'm already used to it. Anyway, there are the computers. Take any one you want, I don't use them anyway."

Golf Ball hurried over to the nearest desktop and turned it on. A loading bar appeared, filling up maddeningly slowly.

Fries had just rounded the corner that led to the elevators, but poked his head out. "When you're done sending whatever signal, could you two help me cook? I've got a lot of food to take care of."

"Nope!" GB replied, without a hint of remorse. "We have important work to do, too!"

"But how will you cook the grotatoes?" TB asked. "Isn't this building's purpose, well, business?"

"Well, this building has a lot of floors, and each floor has it's own 'thing.'" The package of french fries shifted his eyes past the sports globules. "Bomby, Yellow Face, how about you? Could you two help me cook?"

"Sure thing!" Yellow Face replied enthusiastically.

"JUST DON'T MAKE ME USE THE STOVE!" Bomby squealed, not taking his eyes from the computer.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. There's plenty of non stove-related cooking to be done. Head to floor 3 in a few minutes."


"Alright. You guys ready?"

Gelatin, Nickel, and Pie were standing at the entrance to a cave at the base of Yoyle Mountain, a few minute's walk away from the city. Gelatin and Pie were both holding flashlights, while Nickel had a headlight strapped to himself.

"Yeah, I guess," Nickel replied to Gelatin. "But why'd you ask us to join you in exploring this cave, again?"

"I just want to try making some new friends! There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"Good enough for me," Pie said. With a click, she switched her light on and began to walk into the darkness.

"Hey, wait up!" Gelly protested. He turned his own flashlight on and bounded after her. With a bit of difficulty, Nickel managed to activate his headlamp with his foot and followed them in.

Without much natural sunlight, the cave got very dark very quickly within a few minutes. The flashlights really didn't make a huge difference, only shining upon the ground enough for them to see where they were going.

Gelatin waved his free hand in front of his face. "Pee-yoo! This place stinks! I hope something didn't die down here."

"Well, someone's been here, at least." Pie pointed to the remains of a campfire. "Why didn't they make this at the entrance, though? The smoke would have just filled the room. Seems pretty short-sighted."

"Well, they certainly would have been short-sighted after lighting a fire, eh?" Gelatin joked. Pie just turned to look at him, unamused. "You know, cause the smoke would have blinded them-"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it."

"Hey guys, come check this out!" Nickel called out. The desserts joined him by the left wall, where he had found something written on the wall. "There are words and pictures here."

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