IDFB 2c: Stranger Danger ⚠️

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"Tennis Ball! I have an idea!"

"Huh?" Tennis Ball stopped tinkering with the wall teleporter and looked at Golf Ball. She had a twinkle in her eyes.

"You remember my factory from BFDIA?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I think we should find a way to move it to Yoyleland!"

TB just blinked. "How in the world would we do that? It's HUGE, and it's also 2763 miles away!"

"That's the point! It would be something new to keep us occupied! Seeing as how we can't use the Science Museum for scientific purposes."


"Come on! I'm sure we can figure it out together." GB sounded like she was almost pleading, which was extremely unlike her.

Tennis Ball sighed. "Alright. But first, we have to either teach someone else to use this-" he gestured to the wall teleporter. "-or set up something that would automatically read the voting results and free someone from the TLC. If we go back to South Goiky, the trip will take several months, and we won't be here to use the wall teleporter."

Golf Ball hmmed. "You're right. I'll start working on an advanced timer immediately!" She rushed out of the front yard and into their unnamed house - one they had claimed in BFDIA 6, only a couple blocks away from the HPRC.

TB set the wall teleporter down on the grass and sighed. Something was seriously wrong with Golf Ball, something to do with the museum. He kept meaning to ask her what had happened in there, but something always got in the way.

The sports ball let his mind wander and remembered FreeSmart. I wonder if they had better luck in the museum than we did? he thought.


"You're a human!" Pencil blurted without thinking. The others glanced at her, then looked back at the alien, perhaps noticing the similarities between it and David.

Very astute, Pencil, the creature spoke. It wasn't exactly talking, per se, at least not out loud. While the creature had a mouth, it didn't appear to use it. The words vibrated within everyone's minds, as if the human simply willed for them to hear words and it happened. Not all objects would have recognized what I am. Golf Ball and Tennis Ball would have, perhaps.

"W-who are you?" Needle stammered slightly.

My name is-

"Let me guess. Your name is, like, Humany?" Match drawled.

The alien paused. No, but that is a nickname of mine, funnily enough. My actual name is Seekayaitch.

And I'm Emwhyaitch! A second human popped their head into the doorway of the room, startling the objects inside.

"Are there more of you?" questioned Match. "And do they all have, like, an 'aitch' at the end of their name?"

We're the only ones on this ship, if that's what you mean, Seekayaitch answered. However, there are lots more of us dotted around the galaxy. And the reason that the last part of our names sound similar is because we're brothers.

He's two minutes older than I am, Emwhyaitch admitted.

Some of our friends have similar names - Kaybee, Essaitch, Emar, Aykay... but that's just coincidence. Seekayaitch seemed to realize he was going on a tangent. That doesn't matter, though. Come! He stepped aside so the doorway was clear and gestured towards it. We'll give you a tour of the ship.

IDFB: Continued - an IDFB fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now