Chapter 12

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(So much for see you after the holidays, I wanted to write.)

"What do you mean? So much more important?" Paelen asked, standing up. "What could be more important at this time?"

Emily and Joel's faces filled with some sort of fear. Paelen had always had a slight liking for Emily, even if it wasn't noticeable, once he found Lorin, he believed he was complete, filling up the gap that was left. When Lorin was killed late last year, Paelen was once again lost. They feared telling him of their love for eachother, although Paelen already knew the time was coming closer.

"Paelen.." Emily said softly, "you knew this was coming.." She looked almost saddened by saying this. "You'll find someone, you know you will." She added cheerfully.

Paelen sighed. "You are right.. I believe there will be someone out there waiting for me." He said with an almost happy smile. "I'm happy for you both. Congratulations." He said softly. "However, now. We have a job to do, and you both need to focus on it."

Joel nodded. "Of course we do. Riza, Are you able to Take us back to Olympus? We know what we need to do, right Emily?"

With a nod from Emily, Riza smiled and she too gave a nod. "Of course Joel. Connect yourselves."

Emily grabbed Joel's hand and with a blush she put her other hand on Pegasus' wing. Riza placed a hand on Pegasus' wing and the other on Paelen's shoulder, who grabbed Chrysoars stubby mane.

"Are we Ready?" Riza asked, and at the Sound of a mixture of "yes"'s, Riza closed her eyes and when she opened them again, they were stood on the main floor of the main castle.

Whispers suddenly ripped through the area at the sight of Emily and Riza, old Olympians took their bow before offering space for Emily to head into the breakfast hall, where her favourite Olympians were finishing up breakfast.

"Come." Riza said, walking towards the hall, suddenly, she got a very unsettling feeling. "They are here." She said quietly, before opening the doors to the hall.

"Emily!" Steve said, standing up. "Thank god you're okay! I thought you had gone somewhere and- Oh. Hello Riza." He said with a soft smile, Riza was now like a second daughter to him after she saved Emily's life.

"Hello Steve. I hope you're well." Riza said, before looking around the room, she soon lay her eyes on Eukariya and Alexitria. "Back so soon?" She asked with a smirk, walking to them. "It's only been a thousand years since I last saw you. Why, I quite missed your daring antics! Oh how I loved your disappointment when non of them worked." She grinned.

"Savage." Joel and Emily whispered under their breaths, earning a snigger from Paelen. "What's the matter?" Riza continued, pulling up a chair with her Xan-powers, sitting on it as it lifted her above the two. "Didn't expect the Xan to still be thriving?"

Alexitria was the one who answered. "Of course not! We just didn't expect it to be you." She snarled, before looking to Eukariya, who was visibly upset. "Riza! It's lovely to ssseeeee you again." He said, his voice still like that of a snake.

"Tension." Steve whispered to Emily, who shook her head and lowered the chair that Riza was still sat on. "That's enough. If the Olympians and Titans made up, surely you can too." She said, although only saying that to cover up her spy act, it sounded sincere and genuine.

"I'm sorry. You are right, flame." Riza said, nodding to Emily. "Always kind, our generous flame." She smiled, walking over to the group again.

Pegasus whinnied out again. 'Father, please. Emily is tired, we have ventured to Xanadu to inquire about something with Riza, may we let her rest?'

"Of course, come. Eat yourselves full and return to your chambers. Emily, is there anything you need?"

"No, no. I'm alright." Emily said, taking the seat her father had left for her. "Thankyou, though." She said, producing some toast out of the Xans food hat, Joel took a seat next to Emily and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Emily?" He whispered. "What's going on?.."

"Pegasus wants us to return to my room so we can question Riza about what's going on. She never acts like this." She whispered, grabbing her buttered Toast. "There must be a reason." She added quietly.

"Right." Joel said, keeping protectively close to Emily. "Listen. I know what's going on is strange, but we will get through it. We also do. We're a team." He said softly.

"Always." Paelen added, stood behind them. "Even if you guys are together, I'll be here to support you." He said, smiling.

"Thankyou. Paelen." Emily smiled. "It means a lot." She responded, before handing him a piece of toast. "Try it." She offered, seeing him take the slice and scoff it into his mouth.

"It is nice! Sweet, but not too sweet! I approve!" Paelen agreed, spitting crumbs into his hands. "Very nice!"

Emily smiled and turned back to her food, she began to finish it, unknowing to what was going on behind her own.. very.. seat.

(Happiest of holidays to you, I wish you all the best for the new year! I will be back in a couple of days!)

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