Chapter 18.

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"So what you're telling me is that you saw a change in Alexitria's eyes just before and after Joel's injury? Emily, I'm sure that was all just a coincidental mistake." Jupiter reassured. He was positive that inviting Alexitria and Eukariya would never be harmful to anyone who lived on Titus, and of course- Jupiter being Jupiter, he believed his opinion was always the right one.

"Jupe, you have to hear them out, and consider it more. You're not always right, you know." Neptune said, adding to the fact that his brother wasn't always the smartest in the pack of wolves.

"What else do I have to consider, brother? This could have easily just been a silly mistake." Jupiter said, rolling his eyes at the idea that someone believed he was incorrect.

"The fact that both Eukariya and Alexitria had done bad things in the past to Riza is a big give away on why Emily may not trust them. She must have seen what they have done, or at least heard the stories. The Xan never get angry, and you know that when they are, something big has occurred." Saturn included, being overwhelmed majorly still by the strength of the Xans power. "Flame, This is True, correct?" He asked, looking towards Emily with a questioning face.

"Yes Sir, it is." Emily responded softly.

"Leave it to me, I'll keep my eye on them, if this is the case, we must plan our every move carefully. Alexitria and Eukariya return back to their main island next week for a while, then they will come back, this time of however many months will be time to prepare." Pluto added on, before looking down to Emily and Pegasus. "Now, please. Enjoy yourselves. Return back to your quarters and relax."

Pegasus nodded and dropped his wing, allowing Emily to jump on his back, they bowed their heads before walking out of the room.

"How did it go?" Paelan asked, greeting them as soon as they left the meeting room.

"Could have gone better, could have gone fucking worse." Emily said, growling lightly. "And trust me, I've got some steam I need to burn off. I'm going to earth."

"Emily! You can not! The CRU are still after us, you could get dangerously injured!"

"Injure me? The CRU haven't even met me at full power, and they'll be sorry when they do." Emily snapped, before suddenly, she was gone.

"She'll be back Paelan, hopefully.." Pegasus muttered.


(I'm so sorry This is short! But it was key info and I didn't know where else to put it xD)

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