Chapter 3.

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It could have only been just turning to evening when Emily decided to finally get up and dust all of the sand off of her, Pegasus snickered and looked up to her with a slight bit of shock to his horse-face. "Emily? Are you leaving so soon?" He asked her with a bristle grin. "Pegs, look at the moon, it's nearly sundown. People will begin to worry." Emily said softly, dusting off her white silk Toga with a somewhat comfortable look to her beaming smile, the same smile she'd had on for hours, since the beach was revealed to her.

"Well.  You have a point, pet." Pegasus said, standing up himself, he shook his fur to remove all of the sand from it, yet to no avail, he had no success in doing so. "Well, I could also do with a groom." He added with his usual, playful twinkle to his eye, he looked to Emily with a hopeful smile as he bent his two legs forward, dropping his wing kindly for her, their favourite thing to do as a dynamic duo was to fly, high into the skies of Olympus was where both Emily and Pegasus would rather spend the rest of their lives. So now, they'd continue to do the same, only this time- it was in Titus.

Emily swung her leg over Pegasus' withers, and she moved herself to sit just behind the hilt of his wing, so he could keep her sat on his back with each beat of his powerful, silver white wings. "Ready, pet?" He asked, and Emily powerfully nodded with bravery and confidence. "As I'll ever be." She answered with a soft, melodic, yet strong tone. "Take us back Pegs." She said, leaning forward to wrap her arms around Pegasus' neck, ignoring the feeling of the miniature grains of sand scratching against her already, sand covered arms.

Pegasus looked back to Emily and nodded, before jumping into a slow paced trot, which got faster, and faster, before Pegasus burst into a full blown gallop, next minute, his wings were pulled out and he pushed back off of his hind legs to take off, carrying himself and his passenger up to the high skies above Titus, the moon shining on them, creating a silhouette as a shadow below them. Emily pondered down onto the Similar cobbled streets of Titus, almost a twin to the Olympian world, the two words were sister words in themselves.

As Emily ignored how far along in their journey they were, she gazed her eyes over all the sights she still hadn't fully seen. There were mountains still yet to be explored, and Emily still hadn't adventure completely around the palace, it was relevantly larger than Jupiter's now with the new additions being added to the list of residents, it was going to become when bigger. Yet all of the people who had so happily welcomed Emily and the rest of the Olympians into their kingdom had only done so for two reasons.

Reason number one, was that the Titans were petrified of Saturn's wrath and power, but rule number two was much more peaceful. The Titans had simply grown tired of war. They had been fighting for thousands of years, and spending countless years rebuilding their homes after they had been destroyed numerous times, it was only with Saturn's hatred and commands that they continued fighting in the first place.

Pondering all of this, Emily had failed to notice that the ground was growing closer to her, and she was definitely above the palace before she began to get lost in her trail of thought, Pegasus had started his descent.

As soon as Emily noticed this, she braced herself for a Pegasus-landing, wrapping her arms again around his neck and leaning forward to keep herself steady as he bounced his golden hooves on the cobbled ground of the Titus streets.

And landing next to them appeared a white winged, blonde bunny boy. Cupid. "Hello Flame." He said respectfully as he walked beside Cupid, offering his hand for Emily to take so she could dismount Pegasus and walk next to him.

Emily happily took his hand and slid off of Pegasus' back, releasing her fingers from Cupid's grip, now walking in-between the winged Olympian and the winged stallion.

"Off to dinner? Will you be joining us in the banquet hall?" Cupid asked, looking suddenly hopeful as he continued to walk closer to the palace. "You know what Cupid?" Emily asked, watching Cupid shake her head. She let out a brisk chuckle and smiled sweetly at the innocent Olympian.

"I think I will."

(I wasn't planning on making this chapter this short, but this seemed like the perfect place to end it, so I took the chance, I'll make the next one longer!)

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