Chapter 23.

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"SHE IS WHAT?!" Joel yelled, before slamming his fist aggressively down on the table, he growled up down at the young, barely alive girl lay down on the silk bed. The palace room was silent, filled with an awkward aura, apart from Riza, who was just bursting with joy. Steve's face was filled with pure shock and horror, he glared down at Joel and shook his head in disgrace, disbelief, but somewhat joy, and complete and utter pride. Jupiter was grinning like a grandpa would be in this situation, he was ecstatic in every way possible. He and Riza seemed to be the only ones who felt this joy.

"Congratulations." Jupiter said cheerily, patting Joel on the back, in which Joel just scoffed. "It's wrong." He said, walking back over to Emily. "Come on em... wake up.. please.." he mumbled, patting leg gently. He was desperately waiting for the girl he trusted most to wake up. He could hear the voices behind him calling him to pull away from Emily to let her sleep, to get the rest she needed, but he couldn't bare to turn away from her, with everything that was going on at the moment, the weird weather, the disappearance of a small number of Olympians, it was all too much pressure on Titus at this current time.

"Joel!" Paelan yelled, pulling him back away from Emily's side in an attempt to get his attention once again. "Get a grip and listen to Riza for five god damn minutes! Emily is okay! She isn't dying, she's fine! And it is completely her choice what happens next! Not yours!" He practically yelled (#StanPaelan). "Now, leave her alone, you're probably stressing her out even more with all this yelling, so please. Step back from her, allow her to calm her body and then let her decide what exactly she wants to do next, and where she wants to go from here."

"Paelan.. she is carrying MY kid. That is MY choice too. You're Not telling me what I can and can't do to help them. If Emily doesn't want to keep it, I'd be upset, yeah, but that's completely up to her." He said, before sighing and standing up. "But you're right. She needs to relax."

"Now. We must discuss. We have already gathered that this is changing the weather in Olympus. However, I may be able to fix this issue. But it would result in keeping Emily in her own small, almost enclosure, on Xanadu." Riza said softly. "But. There is a chance this may not work, and could change all of Xanadu's climate, and kill a lot of our homed species. That is a risk neither me, nor Emily, would be willing to take."

Arious hummed softly. "You are right Riza. Keeping her In Titus so far has seemed to have no effect. The people here are loving the changes in weather, and it hasn't become dangerous as of now. But when it does, we need a plan. It is too dangerous to send her with someone, unless that someone is Saturn, Riza or Jupiter. With Riza being too busy with Xanadu, Jupiter being a strong leader, that leaves Saturn. Are you up for the challenge?"

Saturn smiled gently, like 'Scrooge' in a book Joel was familiar with from earth, he had redeemed himself well. "I'd be happy to take on that challenge. We will take heed in an empty planet, do you know of any?"

"I do. There is one near. It was quite dangerous, but I believe now it should be more safe than not." Riza answered for the small computer dot.

(So yeah. Emily is pregnant. But it gets more interesting after this too I promise. And I'm sorry I've been gone, I have a lot of exams atm :))

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