Chapter 17

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"You need to tell me exactly what you saw." Emily spoke up, the group of saviours were now swiftly walking away from the football match, Joel was being carried by Chrysoar due to his recent injuries, but Emily was walking side by side with Pegasus. "This is the last straw. I'm done." She said threateningly.

"Emily, please. You must calm down. The last time you got angry, you turned someone to a pile of ash, you're much more powerful now." Paelan warned, clear and pure fear rested on his face.

"Enough of that." Emily suddenly muttered, before looking around. "To the maze, it's the only place we can disclose what happened without having to silence ourselves every ten minutes." She said, and without uttering another word she stormed off towards the maze, clearly fuming with anger at the recent events.

"Lord help Eukariya and Alexitria when they see how powerful the 'flame' really can get.." Paelan muttered beneath his breath, before walking through the maze, without having to retrace his steps once, he found Emily in a matter of seconds, before he sat on the ground beside her.


"Fine.." Pegasus responded. "Emily, when we were sat together, I glanced from the corner of my eye to Alexitria after I heard Jupiter talking to Eukariya. Alexitria's eyes were grey, like, a light grey." He looked to Emily as she urged him to continue. "And when you screamed, Emily, it brought me back to reality from looking at her, and then I saw you teleport to Joel's side, healing his cut. When I looked back to Alexitria, her eyes were void-like, as if I was once again looking into the same midnight sky which I soared across many-a-times."

"It's like they want to extort something from us." Emily mumbled. "But what?.. If only someone could fucking see what they're doing that isn't the group of lunatics that go out on crazed adventures and save broken clones of magical gods who most people don't know still bloody exist!"

"I-.." Joel began to say. "Emily.. please.." he mumbled, sliding off of Chrysoars back. He walked over to her. "I'm right behind you, always, apart from when I'm in-front of you. Then I'm not behind you." He said, laughing slightly.

This caused Emily to relax, giggling softly at his puns. "Joel. You're too funny." She said lightly, still slightly giggling at his 'humour'.


"I thought that would work!" Eukariya yelled, slamming his fist on the table. "You sssaid the boy wasss the way to get to the flame!" He snapped.

"And I believed it was!" Alexitria answered, before growling lightly. "Who else could we try? If we try the damned horse we could get caught! But no one is as close to the girl as that horse and the boy!"

Eukariya snapped his fingers. "Aha! What if we don't harm them? What if we aim our next attack on.. "


As they walked back into the palace building, Joel laced his arms around Emily's waist, walking in beside her.

"Young Master Joel! Jupiter has requested he sees you! It seems urgent!" A young, posh Titan said, bowing infront of Emily and Joel.

"Thankyou." Emily said, before Joel could respond. "Come, it must be important if Jupiter himself wants to speak to us." She said, taking his hand. "Are you Ready?" She asked softly.

"I think so, only with you." Joel grinned. This led Emily to shake her head in disappointment, she then smiled a graceful smile and pulled his hand closer to her, walking up the stairs to the new meeting room.

"Together." The pair said, before opening the doors to the polished marble room, sat in the room before them seemed to be none other than: Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto and Juno.

"Hello Joel, Emily." Jupiter said softly. "What happened at the football match was really quite a fright, are you alright, son?"

Joel could only nod, before he mustered up the courage to speak infront of the great leaders he dreamed of meeting since he was yea high.

"I'm fine, Thank you, Sir." Joel respectfully responded, before looking back to Emily, who simply smiled.

"We're still attempting to figure out what caused such damage to your leg, from what we can tell, it was magic, but determining who's magic it was exactly is harder than it looks." Saturn said, stepping into the conversation himself.

"Understandable, it was just lucky that Emily was there to heal the wounds." Joel said lovingly, he smiled down at the little brown-haired girl next to him.

"Ah, young love?" Pluto asked, before chuckling. "I remember very clearly being in the same position as you. However, you seem much more lucky in finding the perfect girl. It seems quite clear who wears controls this relationship. Quite different to how society deems it must be, I do love a change in spices."

"Pluto, leave the poor children alone." Neptune scolded, before sweetly smiling down at Emily and Joel. "You will be fine. For now, I can only suggest you keep your guard up, and update us once you see anything suspicious."

"Actually, Neptune. On that note of 'suspicious', Pegasus did see something at the stadium." Emily began to say.

"Emily- are you sure you want to do this?" Joel asked her.

"What other choice do we have? Even Riza knows something is seriously wrong." Emily responded.

"If Riza deems this issue dangerous, please, speak up." Saturn interrupted.

"Well.. you see.. at the football pitch, Pegasus saw something that he thinks could be the cause of Joel's injury. And it was to do with Alexitria.."

(Music is life's greatest inspiration)

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