Chapter 5.

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"So.. what do we do?" Joel asked, finishing his 'protective dad check up' on Emily.

"We go back in there. We act confident, we keep our eyes out, we find Riza, we ask her questions and we put the pieces together. What we usually do." Emily responded, she looked up to Joel with sparkling eyes, she couldn't help but wrap her arms around him. Once she realised exactly what she was doing, she pulled away from him and blushed. "T-Thanks for the checkup.." she said quietly, before feeling a light kiss on her cheek. "W-What W-was that for?.." she asked quietly, looking extremely nervous, and somewhat happier now.

"Oh? The kiss? A little 'you're welcome' for the checkup." Joel said with a grin, before taking her hand. "Come on Emily, we need to go back into the banquet hall, they're waiting for you." He said, holding her hand tightly, ignoring how sweaty her palms were, he walked forward to the doors of the banquet hall and before he could pull them open, Emily lifted her free hand and used her Telekinesis to open the doors for the both of them. "Ladies first." Joel said with a cheeky grin, before taking a small bow, letting Emily walk in before him. "Thankyou." Emily said softly, before she walked back over to her seat.

The meal continued, but Emily could not take her mind off of the small kiss she had received from Joel, she had kissed him before, but was this time just in the heat of the moment? Or was there something else going on?

Emily attempted to drift her mind away from that thought as she picked at her food on the plate infront of her. A usual mix of vegetables, meat or fish, and a side serving of fries or Salad, almost like a restaurant. Courtesy of Emily's magic food hat, a treasure found in the hidden walls of the hidden Temple in Xanadu.

"Ssssso.. Emily, tell me. How do you feeeeeel about mysssself and my ssssisssster?" Eukariya asked her, in which Emily almost choked on the baby Corn piece she was eating.

"Delightful." Emily simply responded, politely covering her mouth, she wasn't a good liar, but could handle speaking a few words which weren't exactly the truth.

"Issss that ssssso?" Eukariya asked once more, in which Emily nodded, Eukariya pondered. "Wonderfffull." He said with a slight, devilish smirk to his lips.


After the meal was over, the group of friends dashed out of the banquet hall, in a way that made many of the people stop for a moment to question why, with of course no answers given.

"Emily!" Paelan called, running after her, dashing down the corridor that lead to the palace living quarters. "No time!" Emily called back. "Come on! Quick!" She quickly ran into her own living quarters and shut the door, locking it tightly once everyone she needed was in the room surrounding her.

"Who are those people?" Emily asked, looking to Pegasus, as he as most likely to have the answers she was looking for.

"All I know is what you know, Pet." Pegasus responded in a whinny. "Who they are and where they're from, nothing else." He added.

"No background information? The libraries maybe?" Joel asked, knowing Titus had many libraries.

"That's a ridiculous idea Joel! Olympus was the gatekeeper of the solar stream after the Xans attempted to wipe themselves out, the information we'd need has been destroyed along with Olympus itself!" Emily snapped back angrily, before taking a moment to meditate herself into a relaxed state again. "What we need is someone who's been around for thousands of years." She said quietly, lowering her tone again.

"We need Riza." Joel, Paelan and Emily all Said in sync.

(I am so so so so sorry this chapter is so short, I thought this would be the best place to leave it on a cliff hanger and it definitely held needed information. :)))

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