Chapter 13

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"How dare you!" Joel yelled, storming back into his own room. He turned around and slammed the door, leaving Emily stood in the kitchen in shock.

"How dare I?! Joel, how the hell was I supposed to know that Riza would snap at them?! That wasn't my fault!" Emily yelled, with tears pouring down her face.

"You're her sister!" He yelled back. "You should have known something was going to go on!"

"Known?! Joel that woman says the craziest of shit! How the hell was I supposed to know anything?!" Emily yelled, unlocking the door with her powers and pushing it open. "Joel. You're being ridiculous now!" She said, before closing his door again and locking it, she put a bubble around them both, making people less likely to hear them before Emily collapsed onto Joel's bed, hugging him tightly.

"You know.. keeping up these acts to find out their plans is going to be difficult." Joel said, hugging Emily to him. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." He added.

"No. It's alright. You would have got annoyed with that excuse anyway, we just have to pretend like we're angry at each other now. At least until tomorrow evening." Emily said, before she sighed quietly. "You know, I thought that last year would be our last adventure, I guess I was wrong, huh?"

"Yeah.. you were." Joel grinned. "Not that I mind, it is just more time to spend with you after all." He said, shrugging.

"You're a hopeless flirt." Emily suddenly said, looking at his with a disapproving face, that face then turned to a big smile. "A cute one." She added, smiling again.

"Emily. You've always thought that." Joel said, turning to her. "You know you have."

Emily, again, sighed. "I know, I know. But so have you! We just.. prolonged the inevitable I guess."

"What do you think made us prolong it?" Joel asked, clearly wanting to add something else to the story before I move onto the next part.

"Well. Paelen was a huge factor, all of the danger we've been in is a bigger factor, and the fact that we're two New York teenagers living in a place that we believed to be a myth? I'm not surprised we didn't think about relationships whilst fighting Medusa's lost sisters, or whilst travelling back in time to defeat Saturn? Yeah." Emily said, remembering the two times she had faced Saturn and defeated him in some sort of way.

"Emily. You burnt half Of Saturn's face off one time, and the other time you scared him so much he literally had to beg you to calm down because you could easily of killed him. Nothing has defeated you yet, and nothing ever will!" Joel said happily. "I am sure of it." He added.

Emily smiled at him again and soon her smile faded, she sighed. "You know, when I sacrificed myself with Olympus, I got brought back to m apartment in New York. Started the day like normal, and when I grabbed my bowl of cereal, I walked into the living room to see Yird stood there. He asked me if I wanted to stay here and live a normal life, get married and have children, grow old and die, or to come and fulfil my destiny. He never told me what my destiny was, but I slowly mumbled: Pegasus.. I need to find Pegasus.. and he told me that if that was the choice I made, he would apply, but after my choice was made, there would be no going back to earth or changing my mind to go back to the life I used to know. And you know what I said?" She asked.

"What did you say?" Joel asked.

"There is no life without Pegasus..."

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