Chapter 16.

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As Emily took her seat beside Pegasus, she felt her eyes gaze upon the gates to the pitch, in walked the players.

"The Hercules hero's!" The announcer called, and from the pitch Emily spotted her dear friends, Chrysoar, Alexis, Tom, Joel and Paelan. She waved and then smiled softly, letting her slim body fall against the chair. "Aren't you playing, pegs?" She felt herself ask, before looking to the stallion sat beside her.

Pegasus simply shook his head. "No, pet. It is too much effort in comparison to sitting beside my favourite person." There was that very twinkle in his eye which told me how caring he was being. "Ahah. Very funny." She teased back, poking his nose. "Now, why aren't you playing?"

"With the concern about our visitors, I wasn't going to risk leaving your guard down, I'm staying right beside you until all of this is sorted, pet." Pegasus began to say, the over-protective attitude was back, but for now- Emily believed she liked it.

"Versus the Titanium terrors!" The announcer called out, as a group of familiar titans walked their way into the pitch. "This will be a Good Match." Jupiters Voice murmured from the distance.

Emily attempted to keep her mind off of the issues for the moment, hoping that today could be a day of rest, she lay her head against the stallion as the game commenced, keeping her eye on the ball at all times.

From the corner of Pegasus' eye, he spotted Alexitria and Eukariya sitting beside Jupiter, he noticed a change in colour from Alexitrias eyes, they were pure grey now, as if to hint some sort of magic, Pegasus allowed himself to be distracted by this until the sudden shrill scream that rang through the stadium caught his attention.

"JOEL!" Emily yelled, she jumped up and teleported herself down by his side, his leg was cut open, swollen and pouring out blood, dying the grass a wine-like red. "Emily.." Joel let out a soft whimper, before looking up to her.

He fell down on her chest, wincing as he felt her hand being placed on his cut, he knew she was healing him, but his blood was spilling out faster than he could handle.

"It's okay.. stay with me. Stay with me!" Emily whispered at first, then yelled in panic as he began to dozily faint on her chest, she looked up with pain in her eyes as she begged her powers to heal him faster, and just as his eyes were about to roll back into his head, his cut healed up and his blood was restored. "Get your strength back.." Paelan mumbled, handing him a cup of Ambrosia. "Please.." it was clear that even the ex-thief was worried about his friend.

When Pegasus looked back over to Alexitria, he saw something that confused him even more. Alexitrias eyes were black, no longer grey, no longer indicating any form of magic. "I need to tell Emily." Pegasus muttered to himself, before waiting patiently for her to return.

When she did, she returned with Joel by her side. "It's alright Joel, just rest. I'm right here.." she coaxed, planting soft kisses on his forehead every now and again, in hopes to relax him and distract him from the horrors of watching his own leg become split open by the deathly spell that was casted upon him. "Torturous.." Pegasus mumbled, letting Emily relax on him again.

"I... I just don't know what could have possibly happened Pegs.." Emily expressed her concern to the winged stallion. "I understand." Pegasus responded, wrapping his wing around Joel and Emily, keeping them both warm. "I think I know what happened pet. But I must disclose it to you in secret. You may not like what I have to share." He told her, watching her face drop almost instantly.

"I think I know exactly what you're going to say.." Emily mumbled back to him. "It was them, wasn't it?"

"You're Right, pet. You're very clever, i must admit. I'll tell you what I saw when we leave." Pegasus mumbled back.

Five minutes later, like Internet explorer, Joel only just expressed his reactions. "Fucking bitch.." he cussed weakly.

"Joel- the conversation finished five minutes ago." Emily told him, before ruffling his hair, kissing his forehead one more time. "Sleep.."

"Cunt.." Joel cussed one more time, before collapsing himself onto Emily's lap, regaining his strength, in the hopes that maybe this time- he'll keep it with no injuries.


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