Chapter 31

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(Hello!<3. I don't like the way this book was written so if anything seems off I might have twinged the story line a little:))

Emily, with growing balls of brilliant orange blasting from the palms of her hands stormed towards the solar system and her eyes burned a glowing red as she shot a blazing ball of fire into the solar system, watching it expand to cover the entire portal from top to toe, the fury in her body expanded across her skin and set it alight, she rose from the ground and turned her gaze to Riza, who, baffled by Emily's ever-growing power, took the centre stage next to Emily, and directed her gaze at the portal and transferred the hall of flame to the portal of the homeland of their enemy, blocking it off for as long as they could.

Emily wiped her forehead and gazed towards the 4 leaders, who all seemed impressed, very impressed. "Since when did you learn to do that?!" Saturn breathed sharply, Emily shrugged and looked around. "Honestly, I don't even know what I just did." She laughed a little. "I had no clue I could do that."

Riza sighed softly. "You all seem to forget, Emily didn't just get the power of a single Xan, she got the power of about 20 Xans, all of them being extremely powerful, even more so than me. Emily is at least twenty five times that of what I am. She is possibly our most powerful weapon, it is just unfortunate that she is carrying new life." Riza smiled softly. "However, this new life will be adored, I'm sure..."

Jupiter nodded. "They will be. I will, however, instruct Vulcan to craft a protection for each of us, we will need it if we are going to win this." He turned his gaze to Emily. "You will keep guard tonight, and tomorrow you will rest."

Emily nodded before turning back to face the portal, keeping her eyes fixated on it as the group of leaders said their goodbyes and departed for the final time to the throne room.

People from all over Titus began to move around Emily to clean up the state that had been left behind from the battle, she saw people cry as their homes had been destroyed, little children crying as they picked up the ruins of their stuffed animals, or as they held the corpse of their forever-pet in their tiny arms.

Emily's heart broke as she winced in pain for the suffering Titans, and as she let tears fall to the floor, she noticed things slowly getting fixed. It started with a young girls pet rabbit, which began to nibble on her hand as she held it close, then a little boys toy Pegasus, which had lost its wings, the boy jumped in joy as he realised his toy was fixed again.

Then suddenly, houses began to become fixed as the rubble from the ground placed itself back on top of the home.

One winged Titan lay over a corpse on the floor, waiting for something to happen, but it never did, the corpse lay lifeless in her arms, unmoving, still. Emily walked over and gently stroked her finger down his cheek. "I'm so sorry for your loss." She whispered, hoping she could do something other than lay him to rest.

"Please Flame. Is there- anything you c-can do?" She spluttered out through sobs. Emily's face saddened further as she pulled the Titan into an embrace. "I'll do my very best, I promise." She muttered, before rubbing her hands together and placing them on his chest. "Alive." She thought to herself. "Come on... Wake up. You're alive!" She strained her face and scrunched her eyes shut as she pushed harder against his chest, before the world fell dark in-front of her, and she collapsed.


A lot later, Emily shot up and was immediately pushed back down by Joel. "Emily!" He wrapped her in an embrace and lay into her. "You're okay"He immediately cuddled into her. "Oh Emily! I was so worried!" He looked down, concerned, into her eyes.

"Did it work?" Emily asked.

"Did what work, Em?"

"Did it work? Did that Titan come back to life?"

"Emily. I don't know what you mean, I'm sorry."

"Is the portal still there?"

"Yes, Em, the portal is fine. Riza is watching over you, a young female Titan and male Titan rushed into our meeting saying you had collapsed, they both seemed really pale..." Joseph said softly.

Emily sighed. "I need to see if that female Titan is okay, she lost someone close to her." She stood up, and immediately sat back down.

"Yeah, Arious said you'll be dizzy for a while, apparently you strained yourself quite a bit. What did you do to cause that much damage to yourself?" Joel asked softly.

"I tried to revive someone." Emily whispered. "Riza said it is impossible, but I wanted to try, I had to try, she seemed so distressed."

"Emily... You were meant to watch over the portal, you being unconscious has destroyed the portals defence system!" Paelan cried out. "They're coming, I can hear it. I just know they're coming, they're on their way we have to stop them!" He cried out once more,

"Okay, Paelan, relax. The portal was only unattended for a few minutes, nothing bad will have happened." Riza said calmly, as she took a shallow stride towards Emily, she looked as relaxed as ever, but deep down, Emily could see her face was filled with rage.


"Riza..." Emily's breath was shallow.

"You are aware of your powers, and your duties. Stick to them." Riza turned quickly on her heel and went to stand by the portal, channeling her power straight into it, it let out a brilliant orange glow, before Riza was fired back towards the marble pillar behind her.

Emily cast a barrier behind her to keep her steady before she looked toward Riza with a confused look on her face. "What happened?"

Riza looked perplexed. "I am not sure. Perhaps your power is still in there?" She attempted once again to place her power within the portal and received no fallout from it, she tilted her head slightly. "This is not right." She mumbled, and Joel turned to her, "but it's protected, that's all tjay mayyers. None of this is right, but the portal is protected, until we can figure out just what about this situation isn't right." He turned to Emily and gently lifted her into his arms. "For now, you, Mrs, need to rest." He looked once more to his best friend, Paelan, and sighed. "Relax. It'll all be fine." Though all he thought Paelan was worried about was his friends, it turned out to be much more than that...

(I'm back! For how long, I don't know 🤣)

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