Chapter 7

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The solar stream to Xanadu flew open and bursting through it came Emily, Joel, Paelan, Pegasus and Chrysoar. Who all landed bumpily down on the cobbled streets of Xanadu. Pegasus was the first to stop, leading Chrysoar to throw Joel onto his neck as he immediately came to a skidding halt so he didn't skid into his Winged brother.

"Oh shi-" Joel was just about to say before he was silenced by the hairs on Chrysoars neck, he spat them through a blow on his lips and immediately jumped off of Chrysoards back.

Xanadu had changed, what was once green gardens which were over grown had now been changed into neatened, evergreen bushes blooming with the brightest of tropical flowers. The dust had been cleaned off of the walls and the symbols on the built up structures were now visible from all angles, the bells that lay dangling from the roofs of the corridors seemed to chime when rang, in a way to let you know that someone was there.

Emily felt her heart jump as her eyes skimmed across the scripts that were on the wall.

As keepers of the peace, we will never attack. Never attack unless we feel threatened, hurt a child we have claimed as our own and we will find you. We will make it known that we are still here, even if not visible.

As Emily read the script, she gazed her eyed around the area she was in. That writing seemed very familiar to something she knew as a legendary story.. just as she was about to think deeper into the issues, there was a breath tingling her neck.

"Hm?-" Emily turned around to see Joel, she jumped back and hit the wall, looking up at him. "What was that for?!" She asked, looking slightly upset, and again, just as she was about to continue, she felt her chin being hooked and being pulled towards Joel.

And suddenly, his lips crashed onto hers. Emily didn't think, she didn't need to. She kissed him back without having to take s second to wonder about what she was just about to do.

The kiss was long, and passionate, and worthy of Emily's time, but when they pulled away they gazed into each other's eyes like they've never done such a thing before.

"I forgot how good of a kisser you are.." Joel mumbled, keeping her chin hooked.

"Joel. I'm the only person you've ever kissed." Emily said, looking up to him with a slight grin.

"Shit." Joel responded, before grinning. "I kind of forgot about that one." He said with a joking voice.

"Don't fret it." Emily giggled, before turning back to the wall. "Joel. I've been reading something, does this sound familiar to you?" She asked, before reading out the words on the wall.

As Keepers of the peace, we will never attack. Never attack unless we feel threatened, hurt a child we have claimed as our own and we will find you. We will make it known that we are still here, even if not visible.

"No.. it doesn't seem familiar to me." Joel responded, this made it clear to the readers that Joel was an absolute moron. Yet Emily still nodded, ignoring her feelings, which she did in every book and they always ended up having some sort of issue that threatened someone's life, or even took it.

"Yeah.. sorry, I'm probably just being paranoid." Emily had a subtle feeling that she wasn't being paranoid, but infact she was just about to hit a serious nail on the head, about to nail an important notice onto a huge board of important issues.

Joel walked back over to the writing and continued to read through the symbols that looked like scribbles to him. "Hey, Em. What does this mean?"

'Time, and time again. The Xan have been infamous to give subtle warnings about the powers we posses. Those powers we understand will one day be passed down to someone who worships them, who may use them in ways we could not. But never will we leave such a young soul alone, we will be beside her, waiting for her call. We will support her, she is our child."

As Emily kept on reading, she continued to understand more, the subtle hints the writing was giving gave her a feeling that this writing would revolve around someone she knew. "I think they're talking about Riza.." Emily said quietly, looking to Joel. "Yird never left her alone, he always came back if she was in danger, his powers got passed down to her to take charge of the Xans powers, and Riza has used them in ways he could not." Oh Emily, you were so close to figuring it out.

Joel pondered for a moment. "It could be." He said, nodding. "But again, why would this be written on the walls?"

"The Xan are ancient. We wrote many things in our thousands of years, exploring the cosmos." A sudden, gentle voice said behind them. "Have I missed much? Paelan ushered me here. It seemed quite urgent."

"Oh Riza." Emily Said quietly. "We have so much to tell you.."

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