Roller skating

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Baelynn's POV

"We should go roller skating!" I said. I didn't really know his interests but I didn't know anyone who didn't like roller skating.

"Okay but I need to ask you something." He said. "Will you be." He stopped he was getting nervous and so was I. "Will you be my girlfriend? Your so pretty, your smart, athletic, kind, funny, and many more good things."

Before I said anything I looked at him. He was to cute his hair was red with a black streak. I never will know how he looks hot in every hair color. But then I remembered that he what's to have sex he hasn't lost his virginity. But I don't want that until I'm married. Without anymore thinking I said "Yes of course!"

He hugged me tight and kissed me. The wonderful kiss I fell in love with got even better. We rushed to the roller rink and got our skates. When. We got there I remembered something Mikey's birthday is tomorrow. I forgot about that while we skated.

"I have to warned you I'm not that good." He said.

"It's ok you can hold on to me." I didn't know if he was faking it or not but he was pretty bad.

After we were done we went back to his house. Luke and Kadie were there. And they were kissing?

"I have an idea." Mikey whispered. "Luke told me he was going to ask her out today and bring rose petals for something. We are going to get them and drop it on them."

"What if they here us?"

"Luke is practically asleep when he's kissing."He laughed.

We walked over to his bag and got the rose petals. As we walked Mikey looked at me and said "God I'm so lucky."

We kissed forgetting about Luke and the petals. We kissed for about 5 minutes. The only thing that stopped us was we remembered what we actually wanted to do. We tip toed over to them and yelled "CONGRATULATIONS THE NEW COUPLE OF KAKE ID FINALLY TOGETHER!" We dropped the rose petals and waiting for their reaction.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Luke yelled.

"Well damn you don't have to get so worked up. We giving you a romantic gesture. Everyone knows you wouldn't do it." Michael exclaimed.

He's so hot when he gets mad. I don't understand how they are best friends, they hated each other a few years ago. The act like brothers.

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