Chapter 10: Silver Wolf

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God, I hate wolves. The were and the shifter kind. I hate how utterly beautiful they are no matter what form they take. Assholes.

When the silver wolf slid to a stop in front of me, I instinctively knew it was Paul. I always thought Derek's midnight black wolf was beautiful... but Paul's silver one was on an entirely different level.

His eyes were scrutinizing me as much as I was him. When his eyes made it to my face, he let out a quiet whimper.

He moved slowly as he approached, probably not wanting to scare me. I honestly didn't think it would be possible for him to scare me- ever. I felt undeniably safe in his presence. That was something that surprised me... I've only ever felt that way around pack.

He finally got close enough to touch me, pausing before he nudged my hand with his nose. His huge, dark brown eyes were asking if I was alright.

My fingers seemed to have a mind of their own as they reacted instantly, carding through his soft, silvery fur. The action started a deep rumbling sound in the wolf's chest.

"I really hate how beautiful you are," I grumbled. But I couldn't help but smile a little at his purring. Like a big cat. A very big cat. I snickered at the thought.

Paul pulled away at the sound, sitting back on haunches and cocking his head at me. The action only made me giggle more, which caused his tail to start thumping against the forest floor. His massive tongue flopped out of his mouth and he started pacing with excitement. He's like a king sized puppy.

His eyes turned mischievous as he slowly backed away from me, front legs spread low to the ground.

"Oh no... don't you even thi-," I didn't get to finish the sentence before he was barreling towards me.

Somehow the massive wolf pummelled me to the ground without causing any sort of discomfort, for which I was grateful. By this point I was once again laughing like an idiot, body shaking with it as the wolf's heavy body kept me pressed against the forest floor.

"I'm having déjà vu here," I chuckled, thinking of only twenty minutes earlier when he also had my body pinned to the ground with his.

Suddenly a hot, wet tongue was dragging itself across my face with precision. I realized that he was lapping up my remaining tears, and my eyes slid shut as I let him.

My mind wandered again, over thinking and racing with confusion. Why does this guy effect me so much? I've never, ever experienced anything like this before... not even with Derek. With Paul... I just wanted to give in to all of it. All of the want, the desire, the need. The guy even smells like heaven, and that's without a werewolf nose. Never mind that he's almost always shirtless and running around like a giant wolf. Did he even have time to shower? How does he smell so good to me? Why do I feel so damn safe around him? Why does he feel like pack?

I already know why he makes my heart race and stomach flip. He's the sexiest thing I've ever seen. So at least that's explainable. But what about the rest?

I'm literally letting him lick me right now, without a care in the world about it. What in the actual fuck?

Not to mention that I just had a massive blowout with the one guy I've been crazy about for half of my life. The alpha of my pack. My best friend. My favourite person in the world. Why isn't that what's consuming my mind right now? Why is it Paul I'm thinking about again after all that?

I shook myself from my own mind to find the wolf staring down at me quietly. When had I stopped laughing? When had he stopped licking me?

Paul let out a low whine, shifting his weight and tilting his head as if to ask 'what are you thinking?'.

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