Chapter 21: Book a flight

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I told him! Book a flight. Like- right now. Or if you could find like, a teleportation device, that would be so much better. Because I need to see you as soon as possible, or else I might like- explode or something equally as dramatic.

I laughed at the text, my heart beating excitedly in my chest. He told his dad about me. The thought had me wanting to shout from the rooftops, it had butterflies pounding on the walls of my stomach.

"What are you smiling about?" Sam asked with a hint of amusement.

"Stiles told his dad," I responded happily, my smile widening if that was even possible.

"The dad as in the sheriff?" Jared asked, to which I nodded. "Good luck with that one," he snorted.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I demanded as my eyebrows pulled down into a frown.

"Because the guy has guns... and as Stiles would put it- you're 'werewolf marrying' his only son," Embry elaborated in a bored tone. "For life. Man- you're so dead," he chuckled. Seth smacked Embry for the comment, but I barely noticed.

I hadn't really considered that to be honest. My frown deepened as I thought about it. As far as I could tell, Stiles and his dad are close... so he probably knows about everything supernatural related in his life. Which means- that Stiles probably explained the imprinting thing. Which means... he explained that this is for life- should Stiles choose it. Which he did. So his dad- who has guns and probably the ability to cover up a murder- is now under the impression that some shapeshifter boy from 16 hours away has talked his son into being with him for forever after only a week of knowing him.

"I'm so screwed," I groaned, covering my face with my hands.

The pack laughed around me, but Sam laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "It'll all work out Paul, don't let them bug you."

"I need to see Emmett," I said, rising from where I was squished between Jared and Embry on the couch. They were all still giggling, and I shot them some heated glares for good measure before heading out the door.

As I ran to the Cullen's place, I thought over everything everyone had said. The nerves were flaring up demanding and irritating in my brain. I had never been the 'bring him home to meet the family' type when it came to dating. And when I did meet parents, I was never nervous- because I never cared. But this was a whole different ball game. This was- beyond important. Stiles and his dad are all the other has got... and I was about to step into that relationship. I was about to threaten the balance of that relationship.

What if he hated me? What if he thought I was taking advantage of his son? Trying to to steal him away?

No. I would make sure he saw it. Make sure he saw and understood just how much I adore his son. He would see how much I love Stiles. I didn't doubt that if he was a cop, he was good at reading people. And when I was around Stiles... well it was all over my face. I'm usually a very reserved person, I don't like showing my emotions. Because that makes you vulnerable, which makes you weak. It gives people something to exploit to get what they want. But with Stiles... none of it mattered. He's all that matters.

Despite the packs teasing, I knew I could do this. Because it's Mieczyslaw Stilinski, because it's my imprint.

"Paul's here," I heard Edward murmur inside the house as I broke the tree line into their yard.

Emmett was suddenly standing by the door and he flashed me a grin as he let me into their home.

"Are we booking a flight?!" He asked excitedly.

Imprint From Out Of Town {Staul-StilesxPaul}Where stories live. Discover now