Chapter 37: Home

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My phone vibrated in my pocket where it rested against my thigh. I was sat on the couch in the Cullen's living room, leaning against Derek and staring unseeing at the movie playing on the massive tv screen. I pulled it out, straightening up a little, my shoulder still against Derek.

My wolf: Come home

A wide smile broke out across my face and my heart stuttered in my chest.

Me: Say no more

"I'll take you," Derek said quietly where he sat beside me.

"Okay Mr. Snoopywolf," I rose a brow at his having obviously read my texts over my shoulder.

But instead of biting back a remark, he was stoic as ever as he rose from his seat without meeting my eyes. Emmett frowned at him but didn't comment as his eyes slid to meet mine. I shrugged and followed the sourwolf out of the Cullen's home and to our rental car. Unsurprisingly, his silence persisted as he started the car and began the journey down the driveway.

"What's going on Der?" I asked this softly.

No sarcasm, no jokes. I knew what these moods normally meant. They meant he had something serious to say, but that it would take a little coaxing for him to come out and say it.

"You're leaving," he stated flatly, giving in much more quickly than I had anticipated.

My heart stuttered in my chest again, but for an entirely different reason. When had Derek got better at reading me than Scott? I hadn't prepared myself for this conversation yet.

"Derek, I..." I didn't know what to say.

Derek peeked at me out of the corner of his eyes, probably smelling the scent of my distress on the air.

"Stiles, I'm not mad," he sighed, looking back to the road. His knuckles were white where he gripped the steering wheel.

"You're... not?" I asked wearily, eyeing his extreme grip.

But I noticed that I wasn't that surprised. Old Derek would have been instantly, irrationally mad. Would feel betrayed. But this Derek, this Derek had grown. He'd learned how to identify his emotions, to deal with them and how to show how he was really feeling to the ones he cared about. Old Derek only knew anger, there was nothing else. The pack had changed that.

"I just- don't know how I'm going to live without you," he admitted quietly.

I swallowed thickly.

"The decision wasn't made lightly," I bit my lip, tears burning the back of my throat. "You- you're my family. All of you. But he-."

"You don't have to explain yourself, I understand," Derek cut me off. "I'm in the same situation after all."

He took one hand off of the steering wheel, placing it over one of mine where it rested on my thigh. I turned my hand over, gripping his hand tightly.

"You're my best friend," Derek admitted. "I'm so happy for you, and proud of you for being able to finally make a decision to put your happiness first," he squeezed my hand. "You're always putting everyone else first. Their safety, their happiness, their lives. It's about time you put yourself first, you've more than earned it. You've sacrificed enough of yourself for us. It's your turn now."

I blinked back the wetness forming in my eyes, swallowing again as I tried to control the wave of emotion that swept over me.

"Thank you," I whispered fervently, looking over at him as he pulled up in front of the Lahote house.

Paul wasn't waiting outside for me like I'd expected him to, as if he perhaps sensed the need for privacy.

"Will you... be alright?" Derek asked, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

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