Chapter 11: Timing

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This can't be good.

"Tell me what?" I asked nervously. All thoughts of friskiness immediately left my mind. My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Don't freak out," he said, bringing his hands up in a gesture of innocence.

"Freak out? Why would I freak out? Who's freaking out? Not me!" I stammered uncontrollably, hands twitching.

"Stiles..." that's only the second time he's ever said my name... and the way he said it... I could listen to it on repeat forever.

"Just- whatever it is, just tell me. Get it over with. Rip off the bandaid," I listed anxiously with arms flailing.

How was I already so attached to this guy and I didn't even know his last name? I mean seriously. Usually in a situation like this I might be bouncing off the walls but I could still play it cool. That all went out the window with Paul.

"Here goes nothing..." he trailed off quietly. "I im-,"

"Stiles! There you are! Are you okay?" Scott broke into our little corner of the forest. Jesus Christ Scott- could you have worse timing? He saw my look because then he glanced between us awkwardly. "Sorry... did I interrupt something?"

"Kinda!" I exclaimed sarcastically. I pointed my finger at Paul. "You're not off the hook. We'll finish this conversation later." He nodded once. "Where's Derek?" I addressed Scott.

"He's waiting at the car. He figured you probably didn't want him to come and get you. I told him he was being ridiculous but-," Scott said.

"He was right," I said sharply.

"Stiles..." Scott huffed.

"No Scott. He's known for years how I've felt. I've wasted years. It's not completely his fault that I was-am-I don't know- in love with him," I babbled.

Paul let out a growl at my words.

"Easy tiger," I rolled my eyes. "I'm already over it," I glowered, stomping my way back to the trail. I didn't spare them a glance to see if they were following.

"Stiles- he meant well," Scott tried to reason with me.

"Wow! Suddenly I feel so much better about the whole thing," I said in a sarcastically bright tone.

"Personally I think the guys an idiot," Paul added casually.

"See! That's the kind of energy I need right now," I pointed, raising my eyebrows at Scott.

"But Stiles-," Scott tried again. I was prepared to throw at stick at his head at this point.

"No, we're done talking about this. In fact, as of right now nothing happened," I stated firmly before tripping over a root.

I was careening towards the dirt when Paul caught me, his big hands steading my nervous body. I caught sight of those striking brown eyes and suddenly my anger, my hurt, all of it melted away. His big brown eyes were looking at me intently, again as if he could read me like an open book. I bit my lip at all of the staring, but I couldn't seem to look away.

"Ahem," Scott coughed loudly.

"Uh- right," I said absentmindedly. Paul's hands lingered for a moment, trailing down my arms slowly before disappearing.

The Camaro came into view and the nerves were back, roiling around in my gut as I caught sight of the tall, dark and handsome leaning against it. I wanted to turn around and run away. I loved him and he didn't love me and I looked like a total fool and-

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