Chapter 14: Beach date

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"Are you ready?" I asked Stiles excitedly.

"I was born ready," he said, giving me a cheesy wink. "See you guys later!" He threw over his shoulder to both Scott and Derek, who were still laying in bed. He got two quiet grunts in response.

It was only 6 in the morning, Stiles had insisted on rising early so we could watch the sun rise on the beach. I had agreed wholeheartedly to the idea, despite having stayed at the bonfire until late last night. I was used to getting very little sleep- having to run the late patrols so the younger wolves could get more sleep.

The energetic teen slid his hand into mine and followed me to where my blue 1975 Chevy was waiting. The box was loaded down with blankets, towels, a picnic basket, and all of my diving gear. Stiles' eyes grew comically wide as he surveyed the contents.

"Are we going snorkelling?!" He exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of his feet as curiosity and excitement sparked together in his eyes.

"Scuba diving actually," I corrected him. "But you'll need a lesson or two first, so we'll probably start you with snorkelling."

I pulled the passenger door open for him, watching the blush spread across his cheeks as he climbed inside. I kissed him on the cheek and closed the door before racing around the front of the truck and hopping into the drivers seat. When I closed the door behind me, the overwhelming scent of my trucks interior overloaded my senses, triggering all of the incredible memories.

This truck was my grandfathers, then my dads, now mine. It was like a 3D album of my life. Me crammed between my dad and grandpa at 7 years old as they both blew their cigar smoke out the windows. Grandpa handing me one of the peppermints he always carried, spearmint flavoured. Or my dad and I, a teenager covered in all manor of engine fluids as we laughed and sang, the windows rolled down and the ocean breeze blowing in our faces. My mom tends to smudge everything, and my truck was no exception. All the scents mixed together- cigar smoke, spearmint, motor oil, ocean air and dust, sweet grass, and now... Stiles. The combination had never smelled so good or so right. I smiled at my imprints scent being added to the special combination.

"Is this your truck?" He wondered, sniffing the air experimentally. Sometimes he behaved more like a werewolf than a human. "It smells like you. It's nice." He sank lower in the seat, as if he was comforted by my scent.

"Yeah, it's my baby. It was my dad's and my grandfather's before that," I said fondly as I pulled away from the motel.

"Your baby? My Jeep is my baby too! It was my moms since she was sixteen," Stiles said, a hint of sadness in his voice. I found his hand and squeezed gently.

"Did she give it to you?" I asked cautiously. I could tell this was a sensitive subject without having to be told.

"Uhh- no, my dad gave it to me after she uhh- after she died. It was a total mess, but we fixed it up together," he finished in a less sad tone. I brought his hand to my lips and kissed him gently.

"I'm sorry that you lost her," I responded quietly. His big, sad eyes met mine and he gave me a small smile.

"It was a long time ago," he shrugged. "My dad and I are closer now than we've ever been."

"When you're ready, I'd love to hear about her," I smiled shyly before focusing back on the road. We were almost at the beach now.

"You're perfect," he laughed, looking out at the trees.

"I try," I winked, squeezing his hand from where they lay intertwined on the seat between us.

I heard him suck in a surprised breath as the ocean came into view beside the highway.

Imprint From Out Of Town {Staul-StilesxPaul}Where stories live. Discover now