Chapter 31: Battle plans

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We went two rounds. I won the first, deeking him out and knocking his legs out from under him. It was quick, but effective. Hardly as dramatic as I'm sure everyone was expecting. I stood in triumph with my paws placed on his chest and a wolfy grin. The vampire growled.

"Let's try that again, shall we?" He smirked dangerously.

He rolled out from under me, leaping to his feet instantly. We circled each other slow and calculating. It was obvious I would have to be the one to make the first move this time. I thought it out carefully before simply jumping for his throat. The vampire narrowly dodged the attack, but as he did so, he wrapped his arms around my ribs. Shit. I kicked at him with my hind legs and snapped my jaws above his head, trying to jam my front paws between us and push out of his hold. I finally got one paw in, beginning to push back against his arms and feeling a little give. But before I could manage to escape, he tossed me several feet away like a rag doll.

I was only on my back for a second, but I'd give him this one.

I trotted back over to him, and we knocked our shoulders together- the closest we could get to a fist bump. He was grinning widely, his eyes sparkling with mischief and triumph. I'm sure the same was reflected in my own eyes. Just as Jasper was lecturing us about how Emmett could have crushed me when he got his arms around me, and how that's exactly what the newborns would do and blah blah blah- Em tackled me from the side. We rolled around on the ground, each of us trying to get the upper hand in the play wrestling. Limbs were flying, jaws were snapping and laughing could be heard from both of us- although mine was more wolfy in nature.

After a reprimand from Sam we gave it up, rolling away from each other and letting some of the others get their shot. I shook out my fur and laid on my belly, Em sitting beside me and leaning back on his massive arms. This went on until well after dark, and Esme was the one that demanded we all take a break for some food.

I love it here, Seth thought dreamily with images of all of the extravagant meals we'd had at the Cullen house.

There was a chorus of agreement in the pack mind. We were spoiled rotten with Esme cooking at the vampire base camp, and Emily cooking at the wolf base camp. We never went hungry, and never had something to complain about. The pack mind was filled with images of food as we all raced back the way we had come, following our scents from earlier. I sniffed out my clothes, phasing and pulling them on with a tired grin. Getting to spar and getting fed by Esme was something to smile about- army be damned.

I buttoned my jeans and felt my phone in the pocket that hugged my legs. I pulled it out, thinking of Stiles... only to find about 50 missed notifications- both texts and calls.


I dialled his number as I started up the steps, the rest of the pack whizzing by me. He picked up on the first ring.

"Paul?" He said, and he sounded panicked. "Are you okay? Did something-," I didn't let him finish.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry I didn't answer you," I said quickly, and heard his sigh of relief down the line. "But something did happen. Or- Alice saw something that's going to happen."

There was a second of silence and then his serious voice asked, "what is it? Tell me everything."

I loved it when he fell into the emissary-alpha role, it was hot. But now is not the time to get worked up over those intelligent, honey eyes, so calculating and commanding- okay stop. I leaned against the back of the couch and could feel Emmett watching me in concern.

"Paul?" Stiles asked.

"Uhh- right," I cleared my throat. "Sorry. Alice had a vision. She saw an army of newborn vampires passing around Jake's scent. We don't know why, but they're coming here, for him."

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