Chapter 9: Dog fight

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Stiles was sandwiched between Derek and I on the trail... that definitely wasn't designed for three people to walk abreast. And yet, here we are.

The guy was relentless. He had most of my imprints attention most of the day. Constantly grabbing his hand. When Stiles wasn't looking Derek was staring at him like a love sick puppy. Anyone could see it, plain as day. I don't get it. If he's so into Stiles, why hasn't he made a move yet? Why isn't he with him? They flirted constantly, always touching and smiling at each other.

When Stiles wasn't flirting or touching or smiling at me that is. But with me, he seemed more reserved- like he was holding something back. I didn't like it.

I wanted to make him believe me when I say just how gorgeous he is. I want him to believe how much I already care about him and keeping that smile on his face. I wanted to be able to grab his hand like Derek did. And without telling him about some freaky wolf crap. About how I imprinted on him and we're meant to be together.

"Wow!" His voice interrupted my thoughts. It was full of the same childish wonder it had been all day. I had already grown to love that tone in his voice.

I leaned a little closer to him, letting my breath fan across the back of his neck.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I murmured. I smiled when he shivered and nodded shakily. "Not nearly as beautiful as my view though," I finished in a whisper, eyes on him as he turned to face me. His cheeks blushed the deep read that I was also growing to love and my smile widened.

I knew Derek was rolling his eyes when I heard him scoff and step a little further away. Good.

"I'm not so sure about that," Stiles laughed nervously. I desperately wanted to reach for his hand and calm his nerves.

He was close enough I could taste the mint gum he was chewing on his breath. His eyes glanced down at my lips momentarily and I had to contain myself from kissing him right then and there.

"I am," I responded in the same quiet voice. His face showed disbelief. "You don't believe me."

"Not even a little bit," he smirked, before stepping away from me and farther down the trail.

His face held a playful little grin that made my stomach flip in the best way. It turned mischievous as he turned his back and took off at a run. I smirked, giving him a few seconds head start before taking off after him. He wants to play? Let's play.

It took me a moment to catch the hint of lemon and vanilla on the fragrant forest air. I followed his enticing scent easily, letting my nose lead the way as I veered off of the trail and into the dense green wilderness. It was eerily silent, everything muffled by the moss that blanketed nearly every surface. One square inch of silence indeed.

Stiles scent was getting stronger and I spotted his wild chocolate hair a few meters ahead where he was crouched behind a fallen tree. I approached silently, not making a single sound as I paused for dramatic effect.

I pounced on him, knocking him back onto the moss carpet gently. Stiles was laughing before he even hit the ground, and I could feel his body vibrating with it where it lay under mine. The sound was the most musical I had ever heard, and I wanted to hear it every day for the rest of my life. I found myself laughing with him, and it had never come so easy. I smiled down at him, loving the way his nose was scrunched, the way his cheeks burned bright. His laughing slowed to giggling and then faded to unsteady breathing as he stared up at me.

"Don't you know better than to run from a wolf?" I asked. I meant to say it playfully, but it came out husky and serious instead as my eyes glanced down at his lips.

Imprint From Out Of Town {Staul-StilesxPaul}Where stories live. Discover now