Chapter 15: His Mate

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I was practically bouncing up and down in the passenger seat of Derek's Camaro. "We're about to meet an entire coven of vegetarian vampires!" I grinned excitedly at Derek, Scott, and Isaac. They all rolled their eyes at me fondly. As if they aren't the least bit curious too.

We were driving up a long, winding driveway through the dense forest. It actually reminded me of the way to Sam's place, remote and buried in the woods. My mind was half on our current path and half on yesterday's events with Paul. It had been the most incredible first date I could possibly imagine. Sunrise to sunset we were on the beach, picnicking, kissing and talking. And the scuba diving? So much cooler than snorkelling! I think the ocean might be one of my new favourite places... second to being in Paul's arms. He made the day so magical... it was perfect. He's perfect.

We turned the last corner and suddenly broke out into a meadow that contained a massive house that was at least ninety percent windows. It was both monstrous and breath taking all at once.

The house was completely open and unique, something I'm sure none of us expected out of a vampire dwelling. I had to admit, I was impressed, and when I caught sight of Scott and Isaac I realized I wasn't alone. Derek, however, looked completely unfazed. I focused back on the house that was constructed out of richly coloured wood, a dark grey metal, and glass. Most of the structure was made out of huge windows, showing the designer magazine interior. Everything inside was light colours of white and beige, making the towering house bright despite being surrounded by the shadowy forest. I'm not sure why I had expected darkness and dungeons out of the vampires... but I was happily mistaken.

Derek was the first to get out of the car, Scott and Isaac following suit. I broke myself out of my stupor and stumbled after them; nearly tripping twice as I rushed up the stairs of the house. I started speaking to Edward before I saw him, knowing he would hear me anyway. It's a bad habit I've picked up living in a pack of werewolves.

"Dude! Your house is huge," I breathed. "Vampire perks huh?" I chuckled, winking when I caught sight of him through the windows.

"You could say that," Edward laughed as he opened the door for us. I was first inside, with Derek hot on my heels. I could practically feel it as his protective alpha mode was engaged, I ignored him as he surveyed the vampires in the room. Scott and Isaac walked in last, hand in hand.

I let my eyes fall to the rest of the rooms occupants curiously. The first thing I noticed was that they all had the golden eyes and pale, perfect complexions. They were incredibly beautiful, every last one of them. All except a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes- not that she wasn't beautiful- but she obviously wasn't a vampire. She must be Bella then. Jake was sitting on the couch next to a big, burly guy with short dark hair... who was staring directly at Derek. His eyes were checking him out, and his face was utterly confused. I glanced to the sourwolf behind me, but he didn't seem to feel the guys eyes on him yet, because he was still surveying the room.

I noticed then that both Edward and the blond, curly haired vampire were frowning at the burly one, as if they were listening to something we couldn't hear. Edward probably was, and he looked completely surprised. I hated not knowing what was going on... but the big vampire was still staring at Derek.

Derek must have felt eyes on him, because he turned to meet the vampire's gaze with a glare already in place. But it quickly melted away the more he stared at him. His eyes flashed their alpha red and stayed that way. Okay, is a fight about to break out right now? What's going on?  His eyes are red but they're not staring at each other like they want to fight... more like they want to fuck.

"Em?" The platinum blonde female asked, her eyes moving between the two having a staring contest uneasily.

"Yeah?" He asked, not breaking eye contact with Derek even a little bit. Derek's eyes were moving up and down Emmett's body. Exploring the terrain, then back to his eyes, again and again until he had taken it all in.

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