Chapter 32: A pause

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Forewarning: sexual content in this chapter

I knocked on the door, bouncing on the balls of my feet with both excitement and anxiety as Derek drove off towards the Cullen's place.

A few moments later it was opened by Terry, who smiled widely when he saw who it was.

"Hey kid," he grinned, grabbing my shoulder and squeezing by way of greeting. "He's still sleeping, he had a late one."

"Hey Terry," I smiled, "I know, I got the first flight out." I pursed my lips, upset at the situation and drumming my fingers against my leg anxiously.

"You're a good man," he decided, slapping my back and moving back into the kitchen.

"Someone's gotta keep him out of trouble," I called after him.

I got a chuckle and a, "Good luck with that," in response.

I took that as my dismissal and made my way as quietly as possible to Paul's room down the hall. His door stood open wide enough for me to slip inside without making a sound. My heart melted at the sight of the sleeping man, laying on his back with an arm around a pillow clutched against his side. He looked so perfectly at peace, his chest moving steadily. I knew better than to touch a wolf in a deep sleep, so I simply watched him. I'd wait until he stirred. As he slumbered I couldn't help thinking of the coming danger we would be facing. Nervousness hummed through my veins at the thought that he could get hurt. What would I do? I couldn't consider it, because the idea of it was so utterly painful that I worried it would consume me where I stood. A few moments later his nose twitched, and I knew he had caught my scent. I smiled, forcing the dark thoughts away and moving closer to the bed. I laid a gentle hand on his face, stroking my thumb across his cheek.

"Stiles," he murmured in his sleep, smiling.

I smiled and bit my lip, and couldn't resist leaning down to kiss his scorching forehead. He stirred beneath me this time, and I revelled in being able to watch him wake up. He stretched his arms, yawning as his eyes fluttered open.

"Mornin' sleeping beauty," I murmured, stroking his cheek again.

This got his attention. His eyes opened wide and he shot up in bed shouting, "Mieczy!" So happily I thought I might explode.

His big, warm arms were around me instantly, spinning me around and pinning me underneath him on the bed. He peppered my face in so many kisses it was almost ticklish, and I couldn't help giggling uncontrollably. His kisses grew slow, kissing down my jaw, down my neck and back up again. Goosebumps rose to my skin and I shivered at the change in pace and sensual feeling.

He looked down at me, smiling so brightly it was painful.

"Good morning," he murmured in his gravelly morning voice that was so hot it hurt.

"God you're hot," I whined, because yes, it was entirely unfair. "Do I get a kiss good morning?" I wondered, seeing as he had yet to make it to my lips.

"Of course, your highness," he bowed his head sarcastically.

And then he was leaning in, and god I was getting impatient. I wrapped a leg around his waist, pulling him down against me. The wolf chuckled, supporting himself with his arms and slowly moving closer. Ugh- what I wouldn't give for a mirror on the ceiling right now... I could just imagine how good his back looked at this moment, flexed and perfect. My sudden arousal was licking through my veins like wildfire.

"Kiss me," I demanded, winding my fingers into his silky hair and tugging gently.

"Yes sir," he whispered against my lips, still teasing.

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