Chapter 33: Multipack

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"It's great to see you again Ed," I smiled, ducking to hug the vampire.

I caught the look of surprise in his eyes when I pulled back, but didn't think anything of it. I'm a physically affectionate person, it is what it is.

"Always a pleasure Stiles," Edward replied, before I moved on to Jake, who was of course directly behind Edward.

"Dude- how on earth did you get an entire army of vamps after you?" I snorted, before pulling him into my arms too.

"Beats me," Jake laughed, returning the hug, "thank god you're here- Paul's been driving us all nuts."

"Oh shut it Black!" Paul snapped, giving him a light shove with a grin on his lips.

Jake stumbled into Edward's side and the vampire held him there affectionately, as if it was something he sorely needed. Considering the looming threat, I could understand it.

"I'm sorry- have none of you met Stiles? Try being on our end!" Jackson scoffed, fluffing my hair before rolling his eyes fondly.

"Don't go testing me now Jax," I grumbled before cracking a smile I couldn't help at Jackson's teasing. I'm so glad he's home for now, I missed our banter.

"I'm sorry the visit is for such unsavoury circumstances," Carlisle stated gravely as my pack made their way farther into the Cullen's home.

Sam's pack was there as well, and I assumed it had something to do with the size of the covens house in comparison to Sam's much smaller one. Housing two packs and a vampire coven might have been a little more difficult there. But I couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the Cullen's place is beautiful. But I was just so much more comfortable- so much more drawn to the homes of the wolves on the reservation.

"No sweat doc! We've taken on worse," I grinned at the civilized man. I couldn't help the images of dread doctors, Kanima's and Nogitsune's that flashed through my mind. Lord knows we'd had our fair share of supernatural bullshit.

The whole pack hadn't come along, despite wanting to. But there were still quite a few of us. Jackson our Kanima turned werewolf, Lydia our banshee, Liam- our newest werewolf, Malia our werecoyote and Kira our kitsune. It was an impressive line-up, I thought to myself with a smirk. Paul's arm wound around my waist now that I had finished with my greetings, pulling me close and laying a kiss on my hair. I smiled at the warmth that blossomed in my chest.

"Who's up for some training?!" Seth suggested excitedly.

The Hale-McCall pack groaned in unison, which made the vampires in the room laugh.

"Training?! Come on! We haven't had to train since we were pups," Liam whined, looking to me immediately.

"You're still a pup," Isaac rolled his eyes, and Liam growled in his direction, flashing his bright yellow eyes.

"And a little more won't hurt!" I stated with finality. "Besides- we've never fought vampires before. We need the pointers." And I want to see Paul in action, I thought smugly.

Edward snorted and I knew he'd caught it, as I winked in his direction.

"Stiles is right," Scott agreed easily, always supporting me even if he didn't realize it.

The whole pack was making varying expressions of displeasure, and I squared my shoulders.

"We are going to train with the Cullen's and the Quileute's," I commanded, giving them a look that dared any one of them to challenge it. No one did. "Excellent!" I clapped my hands together. "I can't wait to see Lydia show you boys how it's done," I smirked at Quill and Embry mischievously and wiggled my eyebrows.

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