Chapter 1: Detour

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"Der... uhh- where are we going?" I questioned.

"Washington," he answered bluntly.

I was still blinking awake when I spotted a sign that said 'Welcome to Oregon'. We were supposed to be heading back home to Beacon Hills today. We just got done spending a week with a local pack in the Black Rock Desert, I was so ready to be home.

"Why?" I whined, dragging out the y before yawning hugely.

"Last minute detour," he explained. If that can count as explaining. I rolled my eyes at his gruff attitude.

"Sourwolf," I mumbled, rearranging my long limbs in the back seat of the Camaro.

The werewolf sighed from his place behind the steering wheel, glaring at me in the rear view mirror. "I hate it when you call me that."

"Ha! You love it," I winked, earning myself the eyebrows.

"Stiiiiles," Scott whimpered from where his face was smushed against the passenger window. "Be quiet."

"But we're in Oregon!" I cried, shaking Scott's shoulders for effect. The true alpha bolted upright in his seat, taking in the scenery with alarm.

"What?!" He snapped. "I thought we were going home?"

"Evidently, so did I," I sassed, arms flailing.

"Will you two relax? We're just extending our... vacation," Derek hummed, pretending to focus on the road while we both stared at him dumbly.

"Seriously dude? Forming pack alliances is your idea of a vacation?! I so need to get you out more," I groaned, my hands slapping down onto my lap as I sagged back against the leather seats.

"Oh come on Stiles, it's not so bad," Scott tried to defend Derek half heartedly. I rolled my eyes at the puppy dog in the passenger seat.

"Not so bad for you! You are not a spastic, sarcastic genius that has to think about every word that comes out of his mouth so he doesn't offend any unsuspecting alphas and possibly get mauled to death," I sputtered. Both of the werewolves were rolling their eyes in the front seats.

"Stiles- you're an excellent emissary. Your sarcasm and inability to sit still only adds to your charm. Everyone loves you," Derek said hotly, clearly growing tired of my ranting. I didn't know if I should overlook the gruffness and take the compliment for what it was... or continue to annoy him.

"Oooh, my charm?" I questioned, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. The broody wolf just flared his nostrils and ignored me. "At least tell us where we're actually going?"

"We're going to the Quileute pack near Forks," he elaborated vaguely.

"We're going to visit a pack that lives in a town named after a utensil? Super," I said sarcastically. Scott pulled it up on the map on his phone, lazily putting it over his shoulder for me to see without turning his body.

"It's like smack dab in the middle of the Olympic National Forest," he said, his tired voice holding a note of excitement.

"Okay fine, that is cool..." I gave in. "We were in the desert last night, and tonight we'll be in the temperate rainforest! Der, can we please do a little sight seeing while we're here?!" I whined, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind and laying my head on his shoulder. I even pulled out the puppy eyes for full effect. His hazel green eyes glanced down at me wearily. He was so close I could see the individual flecks of brown in the green of his irises. Beautiful. I saw his resolve wavering the longer he looked at me.

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