Chapter 20: Telling the sheriff

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"Dad?" I shouted into the house as Scott and I came in the door.

"You're just in time! Creed just started," he responded from where I had left him in the living room.

My heart was pounding in my ears as I stood frozen in the entry way. How do I move my feet again? Forget that- how do I breathe?

Before I could go into a full blown panic attack, Scott laid his hand on my shoulder.

"Deep breath Stiles," he reminded me. I met his steady brown eyes, staring at him for a moment as I focused on moving air in and out of my lungs. Lord only knows how many times Scott has pulled me out of a panic attack... he was one of the only people who could. I was reminded of how grateful I was to have a brother like him. He must have seen it on my face, because he smiled softly at me. "I'll always be here to remind you to breathe."

"Stiles?" Dad called in confusion.

"Coming!" I answered a little shakily. I looked back at Scott, and again was momentarily flooded with uncertainty. I felt like a child who had to admit to a crime and knew he would be in deep trouble when he did.

A week and a half ago, I was smitten with the same alpha I had been pining for, for the past 7 years. Was I mistaken in thinking that Paul was my soulmate or whatever? What if I was just convincing myself I was in love with him because he's one of the first good looking guys that has ever shown that much interest in me? Am I settling? Am I just telling myself I love him because he imprinted and I was told it worked both ways? What if I'm just exactly what I've always been- an ordinary, unremarkable boy- who has deluded himself into thinking he's found the love of his life after a week of knowing the person? Am I being childish? What if I was just in love with the idea of being in love, and the idea of someone loving me back? Personally- I wouldn't put it past me.

"Tell me I'm not crazy- tell me I didn't talk myself into this somehow," I whispered desperately to Scott. The werewolf was on the verge of rolling his eyes at me; I could tell. But he refrained at the look in my eyes.

"You're Stiles Stilinski," he said, as if it was obvious. "When have you ever made a decision without thinking it through- from every angle- going over every possible outcome and cause until your head spins? You're the smartest, most logical person I know."

His words were like a refreshing slap to the face- one that I had needed. I clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a light squeeze before marching into the living room with determination.

My dad looked up with a smile as I entered the room, probably preparing to say something sarcastic about me taking so long. I mean, come on- I had to get the sarcastic gene from somewhere. But he must have caught onto my facial expression, because his smile fell into suspicious worry immediately.

"What is it? You have that rip-the-bandaid look on your face," he frowned, his eyes calculating. Likely preparing himself for some ridiculous Stiles-like mischief. Couldn't blame him after 25 years of dealing with me... but it was my duty to keep him on his toes.

"Imetsomeoneonourtrip," I blurted out, all of the words merging together like liquid.

"Okaaay..." he drew the word out, glancing at Scott for help. "Anyone wanna elaborate on that?"

We were both silent as I tried to figure out where to go from here. I was practically vibrating with pent up nerves, but body demanding I move. My foot tapped against the floor and my hands balled into fists in my pockets.

"Met someone as in... new friend? New pack member..." he trailed off and waited for an answer. But I had a feeling he already knew it wasn't either of those options. The silence drew out again, before dad finally exploded. "BOYS!"

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